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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Darkness cannor cast out darkness. Only light can. Hate cannot cast out hate. Only love can. Agree/dis/neither/both?

Darkness cannor cast out darkness. Only light can. Hate cannot cast out hate. Only love can. Agree/dis/neither/both?

Not my words. Words of the fine cleric who spoke at the wedding of Harry & Meghan. He was quoting Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Some of you agree and some of you are offended that I should even bring up such a RACIST thing. Right? C'mon now. Y'all know whom you are. I won't bite.

Posted - November 24, 2018


  • 46117
     Of course.  I agree.  Wayne Dyer was quoting Maslow when he said: If everyone would meditate for one hour each week, the whole world, we would have peace in one generation.

    That seems like a lot to swallow, but it is something to be considered.  We are all stuck in our minds, never shutting out the toxic chatter.  Trump does not even rest.  He is busy tweeting and ruminating about his hurts all during the night.  No wonder he is such a constipated looking fool.

      November 24, 2018 10:34 AM MST