Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Why would anyone waste any time repeatedly trying to convince an obtuse dolt about anything? COMPREHENSION CAPACITY IS MIA! So?
Why would anyone waste any time repeatedly trying to convince an obtuse dolt about anything? COMPREHENSION CAPACITY IS MIA! So?
Would anyone spend any time at all trying to convince an INFANT of its place in the universe and the ramifications of his/her obligation/duty therefrom? Anyone out there that rambunctious arrogant and hopeful?
Truth has value independently from those who reject it.
Truth exists and is the proper object of study.
Most who reject truth have either or both an insufficient data pool and a lack of appropriate principles upon which to evaluate any data; and sadly, they don't realize how compromised they are when it comes to differentiating between truths and lies.
My choice to deal with "obtuse dolts" is not about convincing them of anything; rather it is my independent obligation to stand up for the truth whenever lies impinge upon the truth.
That m'dear is a very logical approach. Don't waste invest spend kill pi** away time in lost causes. Reaffirm your truth which is undoubtedly THE TRUTH whenever an opportunity presents itself. Makes sense. Here's why I ask the question. Why do journalists reporters TV shows radio shows feature a known compulsive 24/7 LIAR and keep treating him as if what he has to say matters? I don't get it. Say for instance a famous reality-show "celebrity" has been tracked to have told over 6000 lies or misstatements in less than two years as the "head" of a country. Then they refute what he said and bring proof evidence facts and truth to rebut all his lies/misstatements. Then they spend the rest of the program ridiculing him for his obtuse pomposity and kvetch about the danger he poses to humanity. This goes on 24/7 and I cannot for the life of me figger out why this meaningless dog & pony show about a robotic despotic dictator keeps repeating itself. Can you? It's like we are stuck in a loop. Groundhog Day. Sameoldsameoldsameold. Same old people daily talk about the sameold guy who is the poster child for sameoldsameoldsameold. Same old people daily defend support the liar. EVERY DAY is like the day before and you know the next day will be exactly the same! So why is that? I can't fer the life of me make any sense out of it. SIGH. Thank you for your reply tom and Happy Sunday! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at November 25, 2018 2:28 AM MST