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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Ever read the section of the paper where those "I'm not responsible for any debts but my own" ads appear?

Ever read the section of the paper where those "I'm not responsible for any debts but my own" ads appear?

It's some kind of legal disclaimer and I think pertains to people who are divorcing but I'm not sure. Anyway I"M NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY BAGGAGE BUT MY OWN. I'm not responsible for what you carry around with you. YOU ARE. It's funny odd weird that some or maybe many folks keep blaming others for their own lack and weakness and warts. It makes them feel oh-so-good but it's oh so silly. Man up! Woman up! Take responsibility for what you bring to the table. If your baggage is getting heavier as you get older start dropping some of it off. Don't pick up new baggage unless you drop away some of the old and it's way way BETTER to drop off more than you take on. I'm just sayin'!

Posted - November 25, 2018


  • 46117
    Everything I do, every act I commit.  I am responsible for.

    It is not grey.  It is black or white.  No fudging.  We are responsible for our own actions.

    You choose to despise Trump's actions and wish he were in jail probably. I do as well.

    This is my own mind deciding to be angry about this.  Trump has no power over anything I do.  

    As he says, when you are fighting? And not loving each other? Both sides are to blame.  No one is making us think this way but ourselves. IF I ever feel like I am a prisoner of TRUMP?  I let him make or break my day or morning or hour?  

    I lose.   
      November 25, 2018 2:48 AM MST