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Randy D
Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "Hire more immigration judges" to lessen waiting times. WHAT? All judges are john's judges and you know what that means don't you?

"Hire more immigration judges" to lessen waiting times. WHAT? All judges are john's judges and you know what that means don't you?

They will rule as john expects them to just as kavanaugh will rule on SCOTUS as john demanded he do just as Matt Whitaker will do/rule/decide as the john insisted he do. Whom are we kidding here folks? If the john has a hand in it there will be no justice no independence no fair. All will  be controlled and formed as he demands or it will not be at all. It is exactly and precisely what all trumpicans expect demand insist upon and the john would never  DARE disagree with them! A marriage made in heaven? I doubt it. A marriage made in an elsewhere?  SIGH.

Posted - November 26, 2018
