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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » You don't BLAME a cat for being a cat or a rat for being a rat! Blame the real villain..DNA! Why blame the john of don?

You don't BLAME a cat for being a cat or a rat for being a rat! Blame the real villain..DNA! Why blame the john of don?

His dad's side is GERMAN. That's where his Nazi originated
His mom's side is SCOTISH  That's where the frugal cheapskate originated

So he stiffs folks due to his heritage and he supports American Nazis because he is one. DUH! How wouldja like it if people blamed you for being you and not your DNA for making you you?  Blame his madre and padre for having sex that resulted in him. He, poor lad, had ZERO to do with it.

Posted - November 27, 2018


  • 46117
    I guess that means that YOU blame him?

    He is not the target of blame.  I blame all of US.  For letting this happen.  I am reminded of Game of Thrones.  They had to put up with more than one disgusting KING.  And this is not a fantasy.  This really happened in days of old.  Look at Caligula?  Trump may be a reincarnation of that guy.  

    He is to blame for his deeds.  We are to blame for ours.  But the trick is we don't get to blame him.  
    His soul is between him and God.

    Just as you can thank the episode of your near-death journey, Rosie.  You survived incredible odds and you learned much through that scary journey.  
    We can thank Trump for opening our dead eyes and showing us that we need to FIGHT the good fight to keep our nation what we want it to be.

    It takes a devil like this to show us what we are up against.  When Trump is gone, we still have issues that may destroy this planet so badly our grandchildren will grow up in hell if they survive the oceans being depleted of fish, which we have no business even consuming.  Everyone is harvesting fish like there is no tomorrow.  The fish cannot replicate if the water is the wrong temperature.  

    The oceans die, the oxygen dies.  And we have a leader in OUR country talking about Space force because global warming is not sexy enough for him.

    This is a demented child, just like the mentally ill kings of old. 

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 27, 2018 4:56 AM MST
      November 27, 2018 4:50 AM MST

  • 113301
    Your first sentence question makes no sense at all. If you read my question carefully you would see that. You don't blame a cat for killing a bird. That is the nature of cats. They can't NOT be what they were born to be and neither can you blame the john of don for being what he be. Now you can be horrified by what he does and point it out and vilify decry about that and about whom he is but you cannot BLAME HIM for it. My point. My position.  He deserves neither credit nor debit for simply being what he is. He has no choice. Does a cat have a choice or rat or a snake or a snail or a carrot or a flower or a cow? SIGH. Thank you for your reply and the graphic. This post was edited by RosieG at November 27, 2018 5:01 AM MST
      November 27, 2018 4:59 AM MST

  • 6023
    Ugh.  I'm surprised at the stereotyping, Rosie.
    I'm hoping it's sarcasm or dark humor.

    As someone with ancestors who came from Germany, I can say there was no NAZI sympathies in my family.

    And if his parents lived during the Great Depression, that is more likely for any "penny pinching" than what country they came from.
      November 27, 2018 10:27 AM MST