Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Ya gotchure QUESTION asker, your QUESTION answerer and your CHATTERER. Do ya prefer chatttering to questioning or answering? WHY?
Answerin'! It allows me to be more creative (and humorful).
Chattin' is ok, but it limits you to the "level" of the party yer chattin' with. Answerin' gives you a broader audience. Questionin' limits you to specifics - Who, what, when , where, why, how and which. Answerin' lets you use the rest of the language.
Thee are definitely my cuppa tea vis a vis friend/pal m'dear! You know long ago on the prior internet social site I was on, Answerbag, there was a member whose moniker was "Kevin". No matter where I went or what I said he always seemed to be right on that very same page with spot-on seriously funny or seriously serious replies. It didn't matter what it was or how wacky it might appear to be to others. Whether nonsensical to the max or deeply and profoundly serious he got the mood and the mode and engaging with him was always profitable for me. You are like him in that respect which of course I appreciate bigly. I totally agree with thee Shuhak. A question is nothing without an answer and some answers are so insightful they elevate the question to something worthwhile and isn't that the point of engaging with others? To learn, to laugh, to connect? Here's something I will never forget which I don't think I shared with you priorly. On Answerbag one day I asked "What if God were Gay?". Do you know I got tons of replies none of which were mean-spirited or disrespectful to me? But the answer I shall never forget? "That would explain rainbows"! Is that not the most perfect and brilliant reply? So I ask away night and day and share whatever occurs to me. Sometimes it's silly and playful but mostly it's seriously and depressingly not. Thank you for being an excellent Answerer and Happy Wednesday! :)
I always look forward to seeing your moniker Sbf. Over the years beginning on Answerbag long ago and here. Why? Because YOU ALWAYS ANSWER THE QUESTION I ASK and never make the question about me. D'ya know how nifty that is? Of course I am very lucky to have some other "regulars" who do the same thing and I surely do appreciate it. You can be in the same book and chapter but you don't always have to be on the same page to get along quite well. Disagreement is fine as long as it is civil and as respectful as agreement is. It's funny odd and maybe funny hilarious too. The kinds of folks who show up to engage vary. Some show up to converse/exchange ideas and opinions and others show up to do battle. Why that is I have no idea. Anyway I know you know exactly what I'm talking about so maybe you can answer the why? Do you ever do that Sbf? Show up somewhere just to smack someone down? Or do you just ignore the folks you wanna smack? I just giggled. Do you ever laugh at yourself? I just did. Thank you for your reply and Happy Wednesday. Apologies for the rambling. I'll try to do better futurely! :)