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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » It may be true for everyone. For the john of don his worst enemy is himself. The specific body parts? Mouth and fingers. WHAT ELSE?

It may be true for everyone. For the john of don his worst enemy is himself. The specific body parts? Mouth and fingers. WHAT ELSE?

Instead of silencing down and lying low he ramped it up and attacked the guy who is heading the investigation in him. Giving that investigation guy far more ammunition than he had before. The mouth plus the endless insulting tweets that have accelerated frantically desperately injudiciously has seriously hurt the john of don. He done it to hisself all by hisself on his own all alone. Do he know it? What do YOU think?

Posted - November 28, 2018


  • 11384
    I think his ego is another thing.  I figure he figures he is smarter then everybody else, everybody needs him so they are dying to make a deal with him and  nobody would dare mess with him. I figure this Russian investigation will soon prove how wrong he was. Cheers!
      November 28, 2018 10:38 AM MST

  • 113301
    He is among the dumbest folks I've ever seen. Incredibly obtuse. Thick-headed. Dumb as mud. Go figger! Sheesh. He is embarrassingly inept and unaware of the smallest things even little kids know. I can't figure out why he is the flavor of the day. Maybe there is no figuring it out. It's just one of those mysteries of the Universe that we simply have to live with. Not my strong suit. Thank you for your reply Nanoose!  :)
      November 28, 2018 12:13 PM MST