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If GOD creates all that includes abominations. To test us? How do you know whether or not you are one of them?

Posted - November 29, 2018


  • 2706
    An abomination is something that causes hate or disgust. In biblical usage, an abomination is something that God loathes or hates because it is offensive to Him and His character. From idolatry to ungodly sexual relationships to wickedness of various kinds, abominations separate people from God. Really, all sin (missing the mark of God’s perfection) can be considered an abomination. All sin separates us from God and is detestable to Him. With that in mind and with all due respect to you, why would you even entertain the idea that GOD would create an abomination? Humans commit and become an abomination, God doesn't create them.
      November 29, 2018 6:56 AM MST

  • 46117
    You are never going to reach any kind of enlightenment this way.

    Asking circular questions having nothing to do with the meaning of what God is will just confuse the issue.  This is not something that you can just get by some logic or  fly by night answer.

    Sorry, you need to study the masters.  That is why they are called masters.   Try a sane approach.

    Order this on ebay or Amazon for probably a  couple bucks used.  

    There's your answer and it is NOT a boring read.

    If you don't order things on line, search your local used bookstores and you will find this and other books that are calling to you to read them.

    Autobiography of a Yogi is an autobiography of Paramahansa Yogananda (January 5, 1893–March 7, 1952) first published in 1946. Paramahansa Yogananda was born Mukunda Lal Ghosh in Gorakhpur, India, into a Bengali family.

    Autobiography of a Yogi introduces the reader to the life of Paramahansa Yogananda and his encounters with spiritual figures of both the Eastern and the Western world. The book begins with his childhood family life, to finding his guru, to becoming a monk and establishing his teachings of Kriya Yoga meditation. The book continues in 1920 when Yogananda accepts an invitation to speak in a religious congress in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. He then travels across America lecturing and establishing his teachings in Los Angeles, California. In 1935 he returns to India for a yearlong visit. When he returns to America, he continues to establish his teachings, including writing this book.

    The book is an introduction to the methods of attaining God-realization and to the spiritual thought of the East, which had only been available to a few in 1946. The author claims that the writing of the book was prophesied long ago by the nineteenth-century master Lahiri Mahasaya (Paramguru of Yogananda) also known as the Yogiraj and Kashi baba. Before becoming a yogi, Lahiri Mahasaya's actual name was Shyama Charan Lahiri.

    It has been in print for seventy years and translated into fifty languages by Self-Realization Fellowship.[2] It has been highly acclaimed as a spiritual classic including being designated by Philip Zaleski, while he was under the auspices of HarperCollins Publishers, as one of the "100 Most Important Spiritual Books of the 20th Century."[3][4][5] It is included in the book 50 Spiritual Classics: Timeless Wisdom from 50 Great Books of Inner Discovery, Enlightenment and Purpose by Tom Butler-Bowdon.[6] According to Project Gutenberg, the first edition is in public domain and at least five publishers are reprinting it and four post it free for online reading.


    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at November 29, 2018 7:08 AM MST
      November 29, 2018 7:05 AM MST