Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» If one compliments folks EFFUSIVELY and then later on VILIFIES THEM it doesn't say much about his judgment does it? What DOES IT SAY? WHY?
The sociopath does not consider what he did prior. He just forges ahead to get what he wants.
He has no friends. Remember the Prime Minister of Canada? Remember the France guy, Macron? They were practically in bed together as far as the delighted Donald acted. The FOOL. Of course.
He thinks he can sway people because HE DECIDES to curry favor upon them. No one cares for his favor. Kim Jong Un is fifty times the leader Trump could ever be. He has advisors at the ready to dissect Trump's every move. They have been doing this for decades. And they are still with missiles.
Then we have PUTIN, who Trump fawned over when our COUNTRY, the Country he has sworn to protect and serve, was being threatened by Russia. 'I DON'T see how it could be Russia. Vlad just vehemently told me he did not have a thing to do with this." This INSULT is exactly the reply with which we are supposed to be satisfied.
It does not make a lick of sense why he is not jailed right this second. For TREASON. But that charge has to wait in line. Because there are so many others.
But it makes him look like a dam* fool tom. His appointees/hires go in and out the revolving door as if they are playing a game. It is dizzying the speed with which he switches from ardent fan/supporter to vicious insulting attacker! Dozens surely or hundreds and eventually thousands. All the folks he has ever known and sucked up to are at risk with the possible exception of his family. However if it is between saving himself and them we all know he will always save himself first. An empty-headed politician is not rare. But to have elected one as prez is one for the books! There will never be anyone who is a weirder more bizarre more inept impotent candidate. He wins the prize. That his supporters see him as some kind of hero who is doing a wonderful job for America would be shocking if it weren't so very very sad. I suppose one can be sad in shock but the weirdness doesn't let up. It accelerates. What's on deck for tomorrow? Whose at bat right now? I've no idea. It's great fodder for late-night comedians but poison for we the people. Thank you for your reply. He jerks people around and they adore him for it. I don't get it . :(
But it makes him look like a dam* fool tom & . and He jerks people around and they adore him for it.
That's the way his base acts. (I'd rather try to train a goldfish to hold its breath than try to change the mind of a Trump supporter.)
Here's a Yale psychiatrist commenting recently on his base: "Emotionally-driven, relatively uninformed, and dependent on Trump, his supporters don’t question him and tend to take his claims at face value, according to the psychiatrist. She adds, however, that emotionally manipulating his supporters is not a matter of strategy for President Trump. Rather,” this can be explained through their emotional wounds.”
Which explains your final sentence: "I don't get it"---(you're not a trump supporter)
This post was edited by tom jackson at November 30, 2018 2:59 PM MST