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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The big cheese fake newses it or thumbs up it. News. He CANNOT CONTROL WHAT'S NEWSWORTHY! Will he try?

The big cheese fake newses it or thumbs up it. News. He CANNOT CONTROL WHAT'S NEWSWORTHY! Will he try?

He kvetches and moans and groans and bit**es about other things sweeping him off the stage like so much detritus. Things like devastating earthquakes or floods or hurricanes or fires. Or the beheading dismemberment of  a US green card resident who worked for 20 years for a US Newspaper. He is out of the spotlight and he shrinks from being ignored. Gets smaller and tinier and panics for fear he will disappear altogether! Whatta guy. He paid his "respects" to the passing of George H.W. Bush. That won't last. Soon he will be enraged that his every word isn't being photo opped and audioed for play and replay. He does not endure being ignored for long. He will come up with a distraction so that all focus will return once again to him. How dire will it be to take away from eulogies for a former president who has passed on? Guess.

Posted - December 1, 2018


  • 19937
    I would venture to say that if Mueller was breathing down my neck, I'd welcome any distraction that would take the news cycle away from it, but that isn't Donald.  It would not surprise me in the least if he doesn't attend Bush's funeral or have anything to say about him, nice or otherwise, since everyone not in his circle is of no consequence to him.
      December 1, 2018 11:04 AM MST

  • 113301
    He is being extremely kissy face jacka**y about the former president. He and Melania plan to attend the funeral. George H.W. Bush could not stand the john of don for his vicious attack on Jeb during the 2016 campaign for prez. If the john had any class he would not attend but he doesn't and he wants the attention since the funeral will be covered on all channels from stem to stern. He never misses a photo op you see so the fact that he was viciously and disgustingly insulting to the son of the deceased matters not one whit to him. I think former prez George H. W. Bush is SCREAMING BLOODY MURDER WHEREVER HE IS! Barbara too. The insufferable jacka** will attend.  SIGH. No surprise.  Thank you for your reply L. This post was edited by RosieG at December 1, 2018 2:45 PM MST
      December 1, 2018 12:00 PM MST

  • 19937
    I suppose the Bush family could have asked him not to attend, the way the McCain family did, but that wouldn't be their way.
      December 1, 2018 2:46 PM MST

  • 113301
     I believe they did not attend Barbara's funeral. You know he will go anywhere at any time as long as there are cameras and microphones because he loves an audience. He lives for it. I have no idea what he does without an audience to cheer him on. Sigh. Thank you for your reply L and Happy Sunday! :)
      December 2, 2018 4:16 AM MST

  • 19937
    I don't recall whether they did or not.  Was that the time he said he didn't attend because he didn't want to cause a distraction?
      December 2, 2018 7:34 AM MST

  • 113301
    I don't know that he ever said that about anything. I do know that he was specifically asked to NOT COME to a place where folks were grieving/mourning until AFTER the all the funerals were over but he ignored that and went when he dam* well pleased anyway. He's the prez don'tcha know and NO ONE sez "NO" to him and lives!  The john of don was his usually VICIOUS self to their son Jeb and what loving parent would ever stand to be in the same room with such a pig (no disrespect to actual pigs..just a figurative one)! Thank you for your reply L and Happy Monday! :) This post was edited by RosieG at December 3, 2018 7:03 AM MST
      December 3, 2018 6:28 AM MST

  • 19937
    I looked it up after I posted my reply and he did say that the reason he wasn't going to Barbara's funeral was so that all the extra security wouldn't be a distraction.  Melania went, however.  However, it is not without precedent for a president not to attend the funeral of a former president's spouse.

    He has treated many people in an awful manner, said terrible things about them and they then turned around and embraced his presidency - Ted Cruz comes to mind.  Happy Monday. :)
      December 3, 2018 7:06 AM MST

  • 113301
    You don't honestly believe that was the reason do you L? When have you ever heard of him doing anything that he didn't do for himself? Even once? Whatever the reason was you can believe it had nothing to do with what he said. He is an old dog who is incapable of and uninterested in learning new tricks... being thoughtful of others would be one of them. In my opinion. Thank you for your reply! This post was edited by RosieG at December 4, 2018 9:53 AM MST
      December 4, 2018 7:15 AM MST

  • 19937
    Actually, after further information, it appears that Barbara Bush expressly said she didn't want him at her funeral.  She was a very outspoken woman who openly made it clear she didn't like Trump.  Good for her.  I wouldn't want him at my funeral either!  Happy Tuesday. :)
      December 4, 2018 9:54 AM MST