He kvetches and moans and groans and bit**es about other things sweeping him off the stage like so much detritus. Things like devastating earthquakes or floods or hurricanes or fires. Or the beheading dismemberment of a US green card resident who worked for 20 years for a US Newspaper. He is out of the spotlight and he shrinks from being ignored. Gets smaller and tinier and panics for fear he will disappear altogether! Whatta guy. He paid his "respects" to the passing of George H.W. Bush. That won't last. Soon he will be enraged that his every word isn't being photo opped and audioed for play and replay. He does not endure being ignored for long. He will come up with a distraction so that all focus will return once again to him. How dire will it be to take away from eulogies for a former president who has passed on? Guess.