Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Excluding nationalistic populists did any of you watch the GLOBAL CITIZEN concert? The goal was to raise $1 Billion. Know what they raised?
Excluding nationalistic populists did any of you watch the GLOBAL CITIZEN concert? The goal was to raise $1 Billion. Know what they raised?
$7.3 BILLION! It will positively affect the lives of over 137 million people! It was 3 hours long and had some top performers. It was something to behold. How many of you bothered to watch?
Thank you for watching. I fail to see how 7.3 billion is only enough for 137 million people.
Actually it makes me very unhappy. That money should feed 10 times that amount. But the world is so messed up, we are raising animals on soil that is depleted. We have no way to grow any kind of fruits and vegetables that do NOTHING to alleviate disease. The soil has no earthworms anymore in this USA. Did you know this? Food is defunct of any nutrition that keeps anyone alive.
Everyone is sick because we are eating garbage that cannot sustain life. I put my hand in some commercial potting soil and it broke out from the chemicals in the soil. Then seeds are planted in this poison and the poison goes into our bodies. Voila! Cancer. The food in the grocery stores is all inedible. Sorry. It is.
We need to eat growing food from natural soil and eat it right as it is being picked out of the ground. KNOW ANY STORE THAT SELLS THIS? Nope. Thus, we blank it out (like Trump's base does to inconvenient information) and just go shopping and eating this garbage anyway.
Let's start spending a few billion on composting the soil, stopping animal slaughter and growing fresh, living healthy food and see what 7.3 billion can actually do. BUT BEFORE THAT... let's start educating people on how to take their lives and health back and learn how to sprout, ferment, and grow food naturally.
Let the billions grow greenhouses instead of slaughter houses and the money would last far longer.
It is sickening the state of the world. Not just the people and their insane mentalities, but the food that is making them angry and crazy as well.
We need to get back to the garden. Not plots of land that are designed to feed animals only to slaughter them.
The state of education about our very sustanence is deplorable.
One quarter acre feeds one animal. One quarter acre of green and growing things? That feeds a multitude. This knowledge needs to be out there, or our planet is doomed as doomed can be.
This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 3, 2018 5:45 AM MST
I see the upside and you focus on the downside. I see what is and you see what isn't. That makes me very sad Sharon. Very sad indeed. I watched and listened all to 3 hours and I was uplifted and heartened and made happier for it. Why your reaction and mine are at opposite ends of the spectrum I do not know. Thank you for your thoughtful and heartfelt reply and Happy Monday to thy! :)