How's about childbirth? One gal will give you a blow-by-blow description of how bad it was how long it took how painful it was and and and and and. She will have been the one who talks to you about the morning sickness and the backaches and the kicking. Another gal having possibly experienced similar or the same degree of pain etcetera will simply tell you how joyful it was when they put the baby on her stomach and she saw her child for the first time and never talked about how she did for 9 months. She kept it to herself or she said it was easy peasy breezy. She didn't kvetch and moan and groan. Those women scare the bejesus out of women who never have been pregnant and make it sound like painful he**. One focuses on the difficulty/pain and the other focuses on the outcome. I don't know why people are like that. Do you? They will look at a scene and only always notice the shadows the dark side the underbelly. OR alternatively they don't notice the shadows because their attention is already captured by the light and beauty. Go figger! :(