Leader I most admire? Donald Trump. Look what he has done in 2 years. He has alienated so many other leaders causing them shock and dismay and also caused them to get off their duffs and try and thwart his actions against so many of them. I'm sure his neglect of so many institutions has caused our country to revolt and perhaps cause changes that may have been neglected for years and years. Now we see where this despot is leading us, and no one in the free world is going along with him. Embraces every despot leader on the planet, sides with Saudi Arabia, sides with Vlad Putin and Kim Jong Un.
Despises any leader that he perceives as "weak" as if this is the Cosa Nostra in full bloom again. DON Trump.
So, it is like excising a cancer. You know you are never going to do anything to cause such a disaster again. Global warming is again on the front burner due to his neglect of such a topic. Education in our country is deplorable and now we have seen first hand what neglect of education and basic human values have led us.
No more. We are now going to elect leaders with a voice for truth, justice and concern for what the people may want.
That is where we are now heading. What leader, through total revulsion of all he stands for, has made such an impact?
Thank you for your reply Sharon. We entered Through the Looking Glass in January 2017. Everything is backwards upside down inside out and negative. Whether we can ever get back to the other side again I cannot say. The longer we stay here the harder it will be. Thank you for your reply and the graphic! :)
I don't admire any "world leader". I admire people leading happy and useful lives in the service of others who don't need or aspire to be "world leaders".