Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Any OaK Ridge Boys or Reba McEntire fans out there? The Boys sang AMAZING GRACE and Reba sang THE LORD'S PRAYER. Wish you'd been there?
We gave (my sis and I) her husband a birthday party when he turned 50. THE WHOLE FAMILY WAS THERE Walt! All the kids showed up! That was 30 years ago! That very day he quit smoking as well and so did my sis! Anyway toward the end of the day we were just sitting around and chatting and he brought out a guitar I didn't even know he had one and he played AMAZING GRACE and we all sang. It is one of my favorite songs. There is just something so hopeful about it even if you don't believe. So every time I hear the song it brings up the memory of that superduper great day! The funeral of George Herbert Walker Bush was a bipartisan event...of which there are so very few these days. How sad that it occurred due to a death. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at December 7, 2018 3:04 AM MST