Discussion » Questions » Math » Can you take a sentimental journey to a place you have never been? How?

Can you take a sentimental journey to a place you have never been? How?


Posted - August 23, 2016


  • 3714

    It could be somewhere you'd always wanted to visit, perhaps with someone in your past.

    Not quite sentimental but occasionally I've thought, "Mum would be interested in [ like to visit] this", then remembered she's no longer alive.

      September 6, 2016 2:47 AM MDT

  • 113301

    I have never been to Greece but the first time I saw a picture of the Acropolis in Athens...specifically the Porch of the Maidens in the Erechtheum, I got goosebumps. As if I had been there before. It was a very strange feeling. It was completed around 400 B.C. so I wonder if a prior me  was there  among the spectators as it was being built? Thank you for your reply Durdle! :)

      September 6, 2016 2:55 AM MDT