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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » ODD COUPLE. One wakes up happy 24/7the other is a grouch for awhile and its takes coffee to humanize him. A match made in he** or heaven?

ODD COUPLE. One wakes up happy 24/7the other is a grouch for awhile and its takes coffee to humanize him. A match made in he** or heaven?

Posted - December 10, 2018


  • 6023
    Are you talking Felix and Oscar?  lol

    I'm not a grouch ... but I've known a couple people who were happy 24/7.  
    They are okay and enjoyable in small doses.
    But being around them all day, every day - they are the most annoying people I've ever dealt with.
      December 10, 2018 11:27 AM MST

  • 113301
    No Walt I'm taking about Rosie and an ex-husband! I wake up every day happy. An ex was a grouch until he had a coupla cups of coffee and a cigarette or two. I'm not joking. A really grumpy grumpus grouch! Once he got with the program he was fine but that first half hour or so I just accepted it. When we first got married I was shocked because of course all I knew of him was his wide awake self which was a very charming guy! When Mr. Grouch greeted me I thought maybe I'd made a mistake. But I learned it was his MO and no big deal. He always snapped to eventually. Jim is like me in that respect fortunately. He wakes up happy. He doesn't smoke. I could not have taken another smoker in my life day to day to day to day to day!  With regard to grouches  I think that's a definite case of DNA gone south. I mean there is so much in life to make folks joyful and glad to be alive. It's harder these day due to the stable genius and all but still absolutely life is something to smile about and enjoy and be grateful for and appreciate!  Thank you for your reply! :). This post was edited by RosieG at December 11, 2018 4:19 AM MST
      December 11, 2018 4:17 AM MST