Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» We all have reasons for being whom we are (DNA), thinking what we think, saying what we say, doing what we do. Are all of them GOOD reasons?
I really don't think that DNA accounts for everything that comes from a person. There are external factors of which there is a degree of control. There is much in the human experience that isn't "programmed" by DNA or anything else. I believe that there are many people that would like to use the idea of programming to try and excuse those things that they have control over.
That, my dear, I define as the karma we brought in from past lives. They are lessons. They can be obstacles or challenges.
When you ignore your pitfalls in your personality, when you are coddled like my cousin's children and made to think that you can do no wrong, you raise spoiled, ungrateful, petulant, demanding people. Who also vote for their likeness. Thus we have a spoiled, ungrateful, petulant, demanding entitled ... you get it.
Unfortunately, those types, the spoiled entitled, do not understand how to read any character, since there own is solidly on the back-burner. So they fail to see the lies, deceit and cunning behind their choice for leader. What they see is someone they recognize and admire because he thinks like they do. The world owes THEM a living.
They imagine HE is going to do for THEM. And they hate to be wrong.
Trump is the product of a vile and pernicious father, who doted on him so much, he didn't even realize Trump was funneling daddy's money for his own gain. I am not getting this from any media. I am getting this from those who WORKED for his dad and lived to tell the tale. His father covered it up. And thus, we have the monster before you.
I'll bet Trump had many prior petty tyrant roles in his past lives. He may have even been a king. A king that no one wants to remember, just like this Presidency. He will be forgotten for anything good. He will be remembered as the worst person ever to be elected to anything.