The only thing I planned for long-term is my retirement. I started to make investments in my 401(k) plan when it was first introduced. Before that, I had a regular IRA. I so also have long-term care insurance. Beyond that, I've pretty much done what I wanted when I wanted to do it.
I think that was a very smart thing to do m'dear. Also long-term care insurance. So your mind is at ease and you won't have to worry about it. Isn't there a saying that life is what happens when you're making plans? I know I screwed it up L! Anyway good for you! Thank you for your reply and Happy Tuesday! :)
Well, I had the advantage of having to only think about myself. I never married or had children, so my salary was just for me. As a result, I was able to put a significant amount away for when I retire. Happy Tuesday. :)
But you could have blown it and lived for the moment L. You didn't! You didn't become a burden to anyone. Even though you say your salary "was just for me" I know that you used it for others too when needed along the way. Having peace of mind at any stage or age is priceless and so I hope you have that my friend. As we age we worry about things we never considered before. Some profoundly important and some are just inconsequential. Not having to worry about money is a blessing which you fashioned on your own! Good job! Thank you for your reply L and Happy Wednesday! :)
In my younger years, when I was still living at home but working full time, I spent almost everything I earned. I traveled, had fun, did things I wanted to do. Once I moved into own apartment at age 24, I knew I had to become serious about becoming fiscally responsible and I spent, but also saved. Fortunately, I invested well and will have peace of mind unless I live to be 105. )
I was told I have an illness that may be very serious. So, yes, I have an endgame.
I won't have any surgery until I do all I can to try and find alternative healing methods. I do not believe in Western Medicine's idea of almost killing someone and hoping they will be cured.
That is my endgame. I'd rather die than go through having poisons injected in my body and being half dead and hoping I rise again from this chemical stupor. I cannot do that. I won't do that unless there is no other choice.
I am very sorry to hear that Sharon. I am alive because of the 'poisons injected in my body". Taxol and Ifex to be exact. Stage 3 uterine cancer with a 14% chance of surviving 5 years. I had the surgery in January 2008 and starting in March of that year for 6 months I had chemo and radiation for 3 days every 3 weeks. To be honest with you I sailed through everything. I only threw up once when I got home after the first day of chemo. From the very beginning I VISUALIZED myself successfully going through whatever it was I had to do. I never entertained the thought that I wouldn't make it. I never said why me or woe is me. I never cried. I NEVER WORRIED. I don't know why but I just knew I would be okay. My oncologist told me she never had a patient like me and asked if I would mind if she gave my phone number to a few of her patients so they could call me and talk to me. I said of course but not one of them ever did. I became stoic and whatever they threw at me I endured. As I said I sailed through it. So you don't want to do that. Different strokes. I would never give up before giving anything my best shot. But that is me. I am stubborn and determined and I always visualize success which helps me immensely. Again I am very sorry for whatever it is and I hope you change your mind. Life is too precious to give up in my opinion. Thank you for your reply and well all I can say is godspeed good luck and I hope the path you choose is the one that will be the right path for you. Happy Wednesday.
This post was edited by RosieG at December 12, 2018 4:52 AM MST
I share your concerns about "Western medicine" and though I am nine years younger I really think at this time I would not want that either. I may in time change my mind but I understand completely your feelings.
I think good to have a plan but that really requires forethought as well as discipline to implement it. I admire people who can. I have the discipline but lack the creativity or sense of what will be our needs in a few years. So we just work along doing the best we can and trying to enjoy as much as possible while we still can.