When asked about the torture beheading dismemberment dissolved-in-acid journalist Khashoggi. Weasel liar truth denier Pompeo gets along real good real bigly with da prez. If you ever wondered why now ya know. He is as despicable as his boss. Birds of a feather. Symbiotic. Two peas in a pod. Joined at the hip. Perfect mates. Made in heaven. And so on and and so and so on. He will have a job for life with da prez if he continues being an echo chamber and stays within the lines. He was ostensibly long ago one of the "good guys". Allegedly. Supposedly. Once upon a time. But so too was General Flynn and General Kelly and and and. What happened to them? Anyone know why they so easily and effortlessly and joyfully turned anti-America anti-truth anti-patriotic anti-honor anti- integrity and pro the most vile venal evil ever spawned?