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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Nancy Pelosi sez the wall "is a manhood thing for him" referring to the obsession da prez has with the wall. D'ya think that's true y'all?

Nancy Pelosi sez the wall "is a manhood thing for him" referring to the obsession da prez has with the wall. D'ya think that's true y'all?

It seems bizarrely odd to me that any man would place his manhood on an inanimate object no matter the size. Is that wise? Is that smart? Is that intelligent? Is that useful? Is that harmful? Is that a lost cause? Is he aware how weak he looks harping on the same thing that is never gonna happen? Everyone knows but him and his trumpicans. Slow or obstinate? Thick-headed or hopeful?

Posted - December 12, 2018


  • Anybody that swallows Pelosi's tripe hook, line and sinker would probably buy oceanfront property in Omaha. Actually, abandoning the wall on the southern border might be a good idea. If we could build one along the California state line instead. The greatest threats we face may come from the left coast instead of the southern border.
      December 12, 2018 7:52 AM MST

  • 10783
    It's not a "manhood" thing, it's an ego thing.   Lets put this into its true perspective -  trump's acting like a little child.  He's going to hold his breath until he gets his way.  He doesnt care about any consequences (who it'll effect), he wants his way - NO compromise!  trump has no "manhood", as he never ceased being a teenager.  He's an undisciplined, boorish, immature, snot-nosed brat who suddenly found himself in a seat of great power and responsibility.  It's quite evident from the way he's lived his life that he never learned how to handle responsibility.  As for the power, he uses that to polish his overly inflated ego, and to better himself (monetarily).  The only person he cares for is himself.  Not the people of the US, not his wife, not his family, not even his "friends".  trump lives in a world of one (no room for anyone else).  For crying out loud, the man signs his name "ME".  trump has no clue as to what "manhood" really is.  

    (and don't even get me started on Pelosi!)
      December 12, 2018 1:15 PM MST

  • 34990
    It is about fulfilling a campaign promise that was central to his election. I know, it is strange this day in age for a politician to even try to keep those pesky things they are just used to get the base out normally. 

    Promises made....promises kept.

      December 12, 2018 1:56 PM MST