I'm not sure what movements you're referring to that want to abridge the freedoms you listed other than some fringe groups on both sides of the aisle. As for worshiping as a Christian, or any other religion, I haven't seen any movement, other than an increase in anti-Semitic acts, that are impeding how, who or where you worship. Who is telling you what to think, feel and act other than a bunch of crybabies who are offended by everyone and everything?
Unless the government exercises eminent domain, your property is still your property. In fact, if you want to talk about the government taking property, the Great Wall that Trump wants to build will, of necessity, have to take property from landowners.
Those who get an education, work hard, excel at some skill or in their chosen field become successful. Those who wait for someone to hand them something will remain at the poverty level and will raise children who do the same. Taking responsibility for one's actions is something that parents are supposed to teach their children - not the government.
I'm not sure who you believe is denying your personal choices and freedom. No one is trying to take away your guns, but there needs to be some regulation as to who is qualified to own weapons and what types of weapons are acceptable for the general public. No one outside of the military and law enforcement needs assault rifles. People with serious mental illnesses should not have access to guns of any type.
As for free elections, it's pretty much been proven that the GOP favors gerrymandering and attempts to prevent citizens from voting both by removing them improperly from voter rolls and by closing voting stations. Having said that, I believe we do need to make sure that those who are voting are citizens and that our elections are free from outside interference. We need voting machines that have paper back-up and voting policies that insure that EVERY vote, including absentee ballots, are counted. As for the states having more autonomy, I agree with you. The federal government was never meant to be as overreaching as it is.