Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» Do you like music you can think by? Mellow soothing melodic gentle. Or do you prefer music that DEMANDS your attention? Why?
To me, music demands my full attention. I can't concentrate with music on (or anything else for that matter) - even if it's just background music/noise (eg. "elevator music", the hum of a fan or washing machine). When I hear music I want to sing along. However, when I do something mindless like cook, bake, wash dishes or clean the house, I almost always have music going. I turn on the wireless speaker, open up the Pandora app, choose the 'Neil Diamond' or '3-Dog-Night' station, and away I go (I think I must have memorized the lyrics to nearly every song from the late 50's through the early 80's). I don't play the music loud, but I do sing loud. I just know that when I play my music in the summer when all the windows are open that my neighbors are wondering who's killing a cat in my house (I'm not a good singer). I've found that i actually cook/bake better with music playing than without. I also don't mind cleaning nearly as much if I have music playing verses cleaning in silence.
My goodness dearie me! Something else we share with one huge caveat. In high school I always did my homework on the kitchen table with the door to the dining room shut and I ALWAYS had the radio on some kind of music. Background noise helped me concentrate. At work I always had a radio on music with my door closed. Total silence does not serve me well. Some people are like that. I'm one of those some. But I am always singing at home. Sometimes Jim and I escape to TCM (Turner Classic Movies) and watch old musicals. I sing along to many of those songs and Jim is always amazed that I know so many of the lyrics. I'm amazed too. How did I learn so many of them? Why have I retained the words for so many decades? I'm sure there's a reason but I can't figger out what it could possibly be! I don't think today's songs are that singable. Of course I'm not that familiar with the groups today. I like classical and jazz mostly but there were groups whose songs I did enjoy back in the day and singers too. Donald Fagan and Steely Dan were my very best most favorite. My son is the one who introduced me to the various groups. As for what's popular today I can't say. Not familiar enough with most of them. Not my cuppa tea. Loud shouting loud yelling loud stomping loud screeching loud loud loud. Sheesh. Thank you for your thoughtful reply Shuhak. I sing all the time in the kitchen when I'm cooking or baking. The kitchen is my happy place. So is a market. I'm a FOODIE! :)