I tried to come up with a way of explaining it ... but found this article, which does a better job of explaining how I think of them than I could. Though I don't agree with the thought that pride is bad no matter what.
I think having pride IN OTHERS is fine But "pride goeth before a fall". Some folks are so full of themselves when all they are full of is hot air. Thank you for your reply and the link Walt.
I think "self respect/esteem" is an internal thing ... and "pride" is linked to external results. EG: I can take pride in my work (external results). But even if I am incapable of creating great work, that shouldn't reduce my internal sense of self.
Semantics at work here m'dear. I am not a fan of being proud or prideful about anything I do say think accomplish achieve. I am VERY PROUD of my son. I am VERY PROUD of friends and family for their character talent successes achievements and how they live their lives. Just a matter of how we perceive these words. I"m sure you're not a stuck up arrogant self-serving narcissist like the don. Thank you for your reply Walt! :)