Discussion»Statements»Rosie's Corner» To thine own self be true. Are you? Does that include defending a prez who causes great harm/distress/pain/even death? Really? LOYAL are we?
Would be no need to defend anybody if people had respect for others who may not think and act exactly like they would have them.
When I consider what would be happening had Clinton been elected I feel more called upon to defend him if only to express my thanks.
This post was edited by officegirl at December 15, 2018 6:09 AM MST
It seems that everything that Trump warned that we would have with Hilary has actually been implemented by him---by his building a bigger and ranker smelling swamp.
I've concluded that the majority of Trump supporters fall into two large groups
---Those that think his sexual escapades are meaningless rather than an indication that he is quite comfortable with doing things that do not advance what should be his first priority. In the first case, his marriage(s)---any of them---and in the second case---America and its Constitution vs retaining a buddy-buddy relationship with Putin for his own potential advantage.
---And those who are seemingly well-educated, but do not have the mental capacity to properly assemble conclusions based on the myriad concepts their educations have introduced them to.
While I find that I can psychologically understand Trump supporters, I find their positions intellectually incomprehensible.
Well tom we both know that you can think circles around me which explains your understanding anything about trumpicans and what makes them tick. I agree that they are all intellectual midgets when it comes to supporting the don. There is nothing logical reasonable sensible about any of it . I don't buy that anyone with any brains at all can be absolutely tip top brilliant in any area if that same mind thinks the don is wondrous fair. I can't reconcile it into anything that makes sense to me. Supporting him taints anything else those folks are, will be, have been or aspire to be. My brain can only stretch so far and I'm the first one to admit my limitations. Some say they actually LIKE such folks. I can't. I don't even know if I wish I could. They just are not my cuppa tea in any way shape or form. It's like saying they worship the devil and spend their lives supporting Devil goals but otherwise they're just great people! Seriously. How do YOU reconcile that? SIGH. Thank you for your thoughtful reply. I am thinking upon it but I don't think I can actually do it. Understand. Not one dam* thing vis a vis trumpicans! :)
This post was edited by RosieG at December 16, 2018 4:05 AM MST
Just realized I accidentally skipped a lot of notifications a few months ago. I guess when I have a lot and then start going over them, I sometimes forget what I'm doing and start responding to other comments and answers on the given thread.
But I did want to say that I have a great deal of respect for your thinking abilities.