Phase One
The don FIRES Mike Flynn for having LIED to Pence
Phase Two
The don said more earnestly and seriously that Flynn never lied about anything But the feds convinced him he did lie. That was the don the john version before yesterday.
Okay. So how is it that the don doesn't remember that he FIRED Flynn for lying?
To give such an absurd iteration of his version of events and expect people to not think he is a loony tune is just a bridge too far. The don is not the brightest light or the sharpest knife in the drawer. Everyone says so. If he would just shut up it wouldn't be so obvious but he can't. So more lies to come for sure.
Meanwhile the judge told Flynn "You sold out your country" and the judge asked the prosecutors if they had considered charging Flynn with TREASON. The don is so far out of his class on this he'd do well to just stifle it. He keeps making himself look like a dam* fool and well I guess no one can stop him from doing that.