He is going to pull out the WALL card any and every time a new threat occurs to his cushy life. Stay tuned. That wall is about to pop up a LOT in the coming year. But let him rattle. Humpty Trumpty is about to have a GREAT FALL.
McConnell is bringing a bill to the floor of the Senate for a vote to keep the government open till sometime in February I just heard. There is NO PROVISION for wall money in it. So we shall see ow the don of john SOB likes being ignored. SIGH. Thank you for your reply and the graphic Sharon! :)
Forgive me for being blunt, but he hasn't got a pair. He backs down on virtually everything he says (then swears it wasn't his fault). He's a blowhard - full of hot air, but little action. And any action he does take is only meant to boost his own ego - NOT help/benefit others. We complain when politicians flip-flop, but this man's beyond flip-flopping... he's plain wishy-washy!
You will never ever have to apologize for anything you say Shuhak. I have already accepted that thee and me, you and I are almost always on the same page and when we aren't I always understand why. I do believe things are finally turning around. Not in his base. Not among trumpicans. They are lost forever in the morass of lies deception corruption treason. But there is turnaround going on. Judge Sullivan was a big factor in it. He will NOT put up with BULLSH** and he put Mike Flynn and his extremely stupid dumb lawyers on notice to not try any more of their "cute" tricks because he is having none of it! I wonder how much stupid dumb lawyers charge? I'm gonna ask. Thank you for your reply! :)
His M.O. is to bluff to get what he wants. I don't think he thought the Democrats would stand so firm and chance a government shutdown. I hope the Dems don't cave.
McConnell is doing a run-around the prez. Apparently the Senate will vote on keeping the government open until sometime in February AND there is no provision in it for the wall.What a circus filled with nothing but clowns. Thank you for your reply L ! :)
I saw that on the news tonight. By February, we will have a majority in the House and if he thought it was tough to get it through now, he's going to have a tougher time in February.
Don't the Dems take office January 3, 2019 L? I thought that was when the swearing in would take place. In any event there is still time for much damage to be done and it will be done by all of them. I don't usually want time to fly by...it already goes too quickly but in this one instant I'd like TODAY to be the swearing-in today and then all the investigations will begin. Fingers crossed we are still here then. Thank you for your reply! :)