No one is funding that wall. NO ONE. They see the dwindling numbers of Trump's base. They see the writing on the wall that TRUMP cannot see because he is too busy tweeting and not looking at anything.
Why don't you try HOPING for things that the rest of AMERICA is behind?
Why don't you wake up already. Are you really for kids dying in cages? Are you really for the lies that spew from a despot?
I guess you delight in being RIGHT when no one else thinks so. Maybe that gives you some kind of power in your mind.
No one else is in admiration. Everyone who matters is shaking their heads. Your days in the sun and your leader are OVER.
I will be there after this, to TELL YOU I TOLD YOU SO. You won't hear it. You will be on some mission to FREE DONALD TRUMP along with Alex Jones and the rest of them.
Lindsay Graham is a sycophantic moron who will go anyway the wind blows to keep him active in his role as best friend to anyone who is in power. He is a bad joke and as long as he is in front of a camera, he will make some horrific statement. AS IF anyone of any veracity could care what comes out of his lying mouth.
He is a disgrace to gay closeted men everywhere. He needs to get a boyfriend already.
Come 2020 we will see just what the rest of America is behind. I know everyone who you believe matters hates President Trump. But trust me they are not "everyone who matters".