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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Oh dear! Well ya see the Coulter called the don's presidency a JOKE PRESIDENCY if he doesnt get the wall funding. Guess what he done did?

Oh dear! Well ya see the Coulter called the don's presidency a JOKE PRESIDENCY if he doesnt get the wall funding. Guess what he done did?

According to sources who should know the don just stopped following her tweets or twits or twats or twuts. Cut her off cold turkey. Will she apologize and submit to punishment to make it up to him? Will he reconsider since the Coulter is such a bigly female voice who supported him when he was a wall guy?  Tune in tomorrow for the next installment of "how the don turns"! :)

Posted - December 20, 2018


  • 46117
    Donald demands loyalty.  Something he never returns.  

    Anne Coulter is such an embarrassment to anyone who listens to her, that it is a wonder he does not put her in some high office.  She could be Kelly Ann Conway's stand in.  Both are emaciated, coke-head lookalikes.  Ugly versions of his daughter.  The queen of empty.

    Anyway, he throws anyone under the bus if he cannot see any way to use them.  Like Palin.  Palin would have shined Donnie's shoes if he had the foresight to ask it of her.  

    He is a stupid person.  Remember?  He cannot understand that his enemies were once his friends.  Even Hillary Clinton went to his wedding long ago and far away.

    Just a stupid moron, who when you cannot believe he gets any stupider, her does so.  IN SPADES.

    This from Intellectual Sophisticate, Fran Liebowitz:

    Echoing the reported opinion of former US secretary of state Rex Tillerson, Lebowitz thinks the biggest danger of Trump is that he is a moron. “Everyone says he is crazy – which maybe he is – but the scarier thing about him is that he is stupid. You do not know anyone as stupid as Donald Trump. You just don’t.”

    Lebowitz is still shocked that Trump won. Part of the shock is that she was living so fully in a liberal New York bubble. “I had zero belief he would win. I have never been so wrong in my life. And being right is something I cherish. It’s really important to me to be right.”

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 20, 2018 9:33 AM MST
      December 20, 2018 9:30 AM MST