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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Da prez is playing soldier bigly.He sez he will pull 7000 troops out of Afghanistan. Pulling troops outta Syria. Where will those troops go?

Da prez is playing soldier bigly.He sez he will pull 7000 troops out of Afghanistan. Pulling troops outta Syria. Where will those troops go?

Does the prez plan to place those soldiers elsewhere somewhere as h is playing soldier gets more intense and bigly exciting for him? A war in North Korea perhaps? He will have checked with Putin first to get his blessing of course. Everyone says so. We'll see what happens! Right?

Posted - December 21, 2018


  • 46117
    I hope they go to the White House with all their equipment and face off with the BIG MAN.  After all, he says he would run into a school building to face-off with a shooter.  I'm sure he will be just as brave with his own military coming at him.

    Sure they may be happy coming home, but those in the know realize that if they joined the military forces to aid the country, this PIG, this MASTER OF WAR is the death knell for any freedoms they may be fighting for.

    Maybe they will have enough insult and injury to march forth and tear that pig right out of his FAT CHAIR  and throw him out bodily.  WOULDN'T it be nice?

    Masters of War

    Come you masters of war
    You that build all the guns
    You that build the death planes
    You that build all the bombs
    You that hide behind walls
    You that hide behind desks
    I just want you to know
    I can see through your masks

    You that never done nothin'
    But build to destroy
    You play with my world
    Like it's your little toy
    You put a gun in my hand
    And you hide from my eyes
    And you turn and run farther
    When the fast bullets fly

    Like Judas of old
    You lie and deceive
    A world war can be won
    You want me to believe
    But I see through your eyes
    And I see through your brain
    Like I see through the water
    That runs down my drain

    You fasten all the triggers
    For the others to fire
    Then you set back and watch
    When the death count gets higher
    You hide in your mansion'
    As young people's blood
    Flows out of their bodies
    And is buried in the mud


    You've thrown the worst fear
    That can ever be hurled
    Fear to bring children
    Into the world
    For threatening my baby
    Unborn and unnamed
    You ain't worth the blood
    That runs in your veins

    How much do I know
    To talk out of turn
    You might say that I'm young
    You might say I'm unlearned
    But there's one thing I know
    Though I'm younger than you
    That even Jesus would never
    Forgive what you do

    Let me ask you one question
    Is your money that good
    Will it buy you forgiveness
    Do you think that it could
    I think you will find
    When your death takes its toll
    All the money you made
    Will never buy back your soul

    And I hope that you die
    And your death'll come soon
    I will follow your casket
    In the pale afternoon
    And I'll watch while you're lowered
    Down to your deathbed
    And I'll stand over your grave
    'Til I'm sure that you're dead

    Songwriters: BOB DYLAN
    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 21, 2018 6:02 AM MST
      December 21, 2018 5:59 AM MST