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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Sqeaky clean TUCKER CARLSON said immigrants make a country dirty or dirty up a country. He lost 15 sponsors so far! Aren'tcha proud of him?

Sqeaky clean TUCKER CARLSON said immigrants make a country dirty or dirty up a country. He lost 15 sponsors so far! Aren'tcha proud of him?

Wonder if his nails are clean if he washes behind his ears if he brushes his teeth if he takes showers and always smells oh-so-swell? He has to know what CLEAN is in order to call other people DIRTY right? Or he should. He should write a book about cleanliness as a guide for those of us who aren't as squeaky clean as he is. It would prolly be a BEST-SELLER Would you buy it?

Posted - December 21, 2018


  • 46117
    Him and Laura Ingram and Anne Coulter and Jeanine Pirro are the dirtiest scum ever to grace the airwaves.

    If you don't count major psychos like Alex Jones and Steve Bannon and Steve Miller.  All are spewers of venomous lies that will have nowhere to go next year and the following years.  They are like snakes that have one poisonous tooth and want to keep attacking and attacking because they know they are fighting for their pathetic careers that are on the wane.

    Goodbye snakes.  Die already.

      December 21, 2018 6:07 AM MST

  • 53667

       (Him He and . . . )
      December 21, 2018 6:23 AM MST