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Game of CHICKEN goin' on rightcheer! Whose gonna blink first d'ya think? Why?

The gubment in the person of the don of john OR?

Posted - December 22, 2018


  • 34989
    We will get border wall money.....
      December 22, 2018 6:10 AM MST

  • 19937
    You don't even realize that members of your own party in the Senate voted against appropriating the money.  Money was appropriated in an earlier budget for the wall and it hasn't been used up, so why are you now asking for more?
      December 22, 2018 8:15 AM MST

  • 34989
    I know there are RINOs in the Senate. Thankfully many of them will be leaving soon. We will replace many more in 2020. 

    The RINOs are not mine.  

    We are asking for more because it is going to take more.
      December 22, 2018 8:30 AM MST

  • 113301
     You will pay for it out of your own pocket. The GOFUNDME charity now has over $14 million bucks and counting m2c. Y'all are so determined to build that wall Y'all don't mind paying for it yourselves with your own money. Seriously do you really think you should be proud of that? You let him off the hook about Mexico paying for it. HE PROMISED MEXICO WILL PAY FOR THE WALL!. You keep taking the hook out of his arse and sacrificing yourself for a guy who is all mouth and that's it. SIGH. Thank you for your reply! :)
      December 22, 2018 9:46 AM MST

  • 34989
    I don't care who pays for as long as it gets built. I do plan to donate to the GoFundMe account. It is growing fast. It was at $7M just about 24hrs ago. 
      December 22, 2018 9:53 AM MST

  • 113301
    You're WAY rich. Do as you wish with your own money. Your beloved doofus don PROMISED you that Mexico would pay for the wall. He LIED. Now you are going to give your own money to do what HE PROMISED YOU HE WOULD GET MEXICO TO DO?  No wonder he loves y'all. Whatever he sez goes. Condolences. Thank you for your reply.
      December 22, 2018 12:38 PM MST

  • 19937
    Republicans used to stand for fiscal responsibility.  Now, if they do that, you call them RINOs.  Trump ***** about Obama increasing the debt and he turns around and does the exact same thing, but when Trump does it, that's OK. This post was edited by my2cents at December 22, 2018 9:50 AM MST
      December 22, 2018 8:53 AM MST

  • 113301
    When the don of the big john does it it's A Okey Dokey. Anything he is fine. Anything he says is fine. All is divinely fine where he is concerned. They are not logical at all. Nor reasonable. Nor sensible. At all. At any level. They all think alike sound alike talk alike. AARRGGHH! Thank you for your reply L!:)
      December 22, 2018 9:48 AM MST

  • 34989
    Did any of these Dems whining about the debt now, whine when Obama spent more that all the other Presidents combined? Nope they did not. It was was was free money cause the interest rate was so low. 
    Every few people especially in DC care about the just a talking point to use against the other side. I can name maybe 2 or 3 who really care...2 of them have the same last name. Paul. This post was edited by my2cents at December 22, 2018 6:40 PM MST
      December 22, 2018 9:57 AM MST

  • 19937
    I suppose you don't recall that Reagan started this trickle down economics nonsense and you see where that got us - the same place that the Trump trickle down economics is going to get us - into a huge financial hole.  How about when Bush 2.0 started two unnecessary Middle East wars against countries that had nothing to do with 9/11 and the cost in both human treasure and money?  How about when Bush 1.0 bailed out the banks and insurance companies because they were too big to fail?  Under whose watchful eye did the recession of 2008 occur?  ALL REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED ADMINISTRATIONS.  
      December 22, 2018 12:22 PM MST

  • 113301
      December 22, 2018 12:34 PM MST

  • 113301
    I totally disagree with thee 100% m2c. Thank you for your reply.
      December 22, 2018 12:35 PM MST

  • 46117
    He is going to cause as many problems for the Dems as he can think up.  Unfortunately, this is now what passes for thinking in this Administration.

    Chuck and Nancy seem to have their fingers on the pulse-point of what is going on.  Nancy cannot hide her disdain for this chump any longer.  She has denounced him as trying to be macho when he is not close to macho, and she said yesterday, a number of insults claiming he is incompetent.

    The GOP  in the SENATE?  They take these insults to their own homes and think they are being insulted as well. AND THEY ARE.  So, what will they try and do?  Cut their noses off to spite their faces.  But Trump keeps raising the bar regarding what they must endure to stick to backing this turkey.  They will do anything so far.  Paul Ryan?  SCUM BAG extraordinaire.  He knew he would never get re-elected so he quits.  Good.  

    Everyone who is anyone and NOW MATTIS, himself, has flown the coop.  This group of chicken shi%s is growing smaller.  The ALT RIGHT has morphed into the ALT 1 percent.  That is what they are protecting.  Their money.

    The American People to them, is the top `1 percent. 

    Hopefully we can show them what the other 99 percent actually looks like.   He thinks he can disrespect the MILITARY NOW?

    He is surely and swiftly showing the GOP just what it means to stand behind a MONSTER.  They cannot look in the mirror and count all that money at the same time.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 22, 2018 12:33 PM MST
      December 22, 2018 9:00 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your informative reply Sharon and the graphic! :)
      December 22, 2018 12:34 PM MST