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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The ONLY way to insure longevity for a CORRUPT leader is to put those who are as CORRUPT as he is in powerful positions. Correct?

The ONLY way to insure longevity for a CORRUPT leader is to put those who are as CORRUPT as he is in powerful positions. Correct?

There is no carrot enticing enough for corrupt people to ever want to "do the right thing". The more corrupt they are the more encouraging they are for one and all to "rape" and pillage and grab and steal and destroy. Nice work if you can get it ain't it?

Posted - December 24, 2018


  • 46117

    1.  It makes them look good because they have LOYAL mob subjects.
    2.  It means that the selector has something over on you as a rule.  You are, in fact, an indentured servant, if Trump needs a favor called in.  Just like THE GODFATHER.
    3.  It allows for bribery.  ('ll make you rich as sin if you just give in and follow me.)

    HOWEVER, doing this kind of activity in front of EVERYBODY who is in the KNOW is suicidal.  These creeps think that money and power will insulate them from all the LAWS that are in place because they have a group of cowards in the House and Senate to vote them in and back their choices, no matter how self-serving and outrageous.  

    1 They are wrong.  Dead to rights wrong.  You see, every time that TRUMP picks a new lackey, the lackey is going to get a nice, fat subpoena.  The thing TRUMP fails to see, each and every time, is his promise to pardon falls flat; and these cowards sing like birds when they ARE subpoenaed.  Flynn and the rest of his LOYALS.

    Trump is NO Teflon Don.  His machinations do not reach the level of WHITE HOUSE TOP BOSS.  
    He is going DOWN and he is going down fast.  Two years of terrorism is the price we all had to pay for allowing this atrocity to even happen.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 24, 2018 4:22 AM MST
      December 24, 2018 3:49 AM MST

  • 113301
    Just think of what we the people ALREADY KNOW about stable boy? And just think about ALL THE OTHER INFORMATION MUELLER KNOWS AND HAS about which we don't have a clue? The proof evidence facts are already momentous in nature and amount...that is just the tip of that public iceberg  Sharon. What lies below we shall all soon know and the stable boy will be the biggest bestest CRIMINALlY worstest prez in the annals of history. He will get his fame only it will be infamy that bears his name. He played the game and lost bigly due to his own cupidity and stupidity. Crooks get caught because they are generally incredibly stupid dumb and the stable boy is no exception. Stay tuned. It's gonna get a whole lot betterer! Thank you for your reply and the graphic! :)
      December 24, 2018 4:28 AM MST