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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What other prez ever bowed down kowtowed to extreme right-wing conservative talking head celebrities and oberyed them?

What other prez ever bowed down kowtowed to extreme right-wing conservative talking head celebrities and oberyed them?

That is a very weak showing by stable boy. He so fears them and his base he will do whatever they tell him to do because he knows they are all he has. The MAJORITY of the American people do NOT back him. So he panders to the Minority who do.  3 strikes and yer out. Does he know?

Posted - December 26, 2018


  • 3719
    Can you explain something to this Limey, please?

    Without me trying to comment on Trump's USA-only policies, or the USA's definition of "right wing", why do you, and one or two others on AM, call him "Stable Boy"?

    I'd have thought "Greenkeeper" more appropriate - complete with innate pun!

     A Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you, Rosie! This post was edited by Durdle at December 27, 2018 2:25 AM MST
      December 26, 2018 3:44 PM MST

  • 113301
    I would be very happy to s'plain it to you Durdle. The stable boy referred to himself as a STABLE GENIUS. So the "stable" part is his alone entirely. I personally believe he is not a man but a boy. At some point he stopped maturing and got stuck in the time of life when kids know everything about everything and could do so much better than the adults. When we mature and become adult we realize how little we know, how much we have to learn and we are eager to learn. He does not read does not listen does not have a curious mind does not need to improve on anything he knows more than anyone about everything. Thus STABLE BOY was born. The first part he owns and the second part is my opinion. Hope your holidays were /are spiffy Durdle and Happy  Thursday to thee and thine! Thank you for your reply! :)
      December 27, 2018 2:29 AM MST

  • 3719
    Thank you Rosie!

    Anyone genuinely both stable and genius would not need to advertise the fact.

    He's seen from here as at best, baffling - firing or losing by resignations, the US equivalents of Cabinet Ministers and top civil-servants and military personnel shows poor governance. We all see him as a man totally out of his depth in international affairs even though your country's own economic and employment situations have improved in the last two years. What we can't say of course, is if they would have improved anyway. 

    I thought "Greenkeeper" because to other countries he's just a golf-course and hotels speculator. "Green" of course has the colloquial meaning, "naïve and ignorant", but on the other hand, a genuine sports-field or golf-links grounds-keeper is skilled at his or her work!  
      December 27, 2018 4:17 AM MST

  • 113301
    You're very welcome Durdle. I confess I had no idea what you meant by "Greenkeeper" but now that you have explained it to me I agree with thee totally. It's a good fit. However it seems to me to be more respectful than calling an old man "boy". Calling any adult man "boy" is meant as an insult. Of course it was very much associated here in the states with demeaning denigrating when racist whites referred to African American men as "boy".  It was insulting then and I intend it to be insulting now when applied to the least stable human being it has been my misfortune to encounter...even at arm's length. Up close and personal would never happen. I perceive stable boy to have a stench about him consistent with those who live in stables with animals who poop. Sorry I'm not more delicate about it or dignified but what the heck right? Have a VERY HAP HAP HAPPY NEW YEAR m'dear. Hope 2019 is way better for everyone on the planet except for the Greenkeeper stable boy. :(
      December 27, 2018 4:35 AM MST