Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Asylum seekers foolishly believed coming to America would CHANGE THEIR NIGHTMARE LIVES! How wrong were they?

Asylum seekers foolishly believed coming to America would CHANGE THEIR NIGHTMARE LIVES! How wrong were they?

At least they were with one another, each other. They had no idea that coming here would accelerate the nightmares and make them beyond endurance. They had no clue that a country they thought would be a safe haven was in fact the worst place they could have come. Good job stable boy et al. You done yerselves real proud worldwide. Keep it up. Whatcha got ta lose right? Keep out all the bad folks. Everyone knows all American citizens are angels without flaws or defects and never commit crimes or harm anyone. It is only "the other" we have to worry about. So a few kids die on our watch. So what? They aren't OUR KIDS so they are expendable. Yeah. Right. I don't know how y'all sleep at night with all those thousand of children crying themselves to sleep aching for their parents. I do not.

Posted - December 27, 2018


  • 46117
    How do you think WE feel?  We are stuck here with a moron from hell.

      December 27, 2018 12:05 PM MST

  • 113301
    Oh my gosh I LOVE this graphic! You know an Answermugger posited on another thread awhile back that stable boy WANTS TO BE IMPEACHED and thus is doing everything he can to make it happen. That makes sense. Thank you for your reply Sharon and the graphic showing for once what stable boy really wants! Happy Friday! :)
      December 28, 2018 4:10 AM MST

  • 10783
    We may disagree on this one (but just a tad).  I think it's horrid how these people were/are treated.  They may be "foreign born" but they are still human beings and they deserve to be treated as such.  NOT like cattle!  NOT like an "enemy"!  NOT as if they're all reprobates!  

    However, I don't think that every person who has problems in their home country should simply come to the US and expect us to "welcome them with open arms and wallets".  If folks want to come here, there are legal means of doing so.  Flocking here in droves and (virtually) demanding us to simply "let them in" is a slap in the face.  Should we help them?  Yes! (as much as we are able) Should we treat them with dignity and respect?  Yes!!!  Should we split up families?  He!! no!!  Would we like it if another country did that to us?  Someday WE may be the refugees forced to seek asylum in other countries .  How we treat refugees now is a good indication of how we will be treated then.  (and no one should think that it can't/won't happen in their lifetime.)

      December 27, 2018 2:13 PM MST

  • 113301
    So you have a line in the sand then Shuhak and I do not. No worries. It happens to the best of friends. Here's what I believe and always will. What is engraved on the Statue of Liberty. My parents and grandparents came to this country through Ellis Island to escape the Armenian genocide perpetrated by the Turkish government. They fled for their LIVES which I expect asylum seekers all do. Not just for themselves but for their children. Little girls get raped you see and what parent wants to have that happen to their female progeny? When it is life itself that is being threatened do you really think you'd wait and do paperwork to get permission to save your child's life? It makes no sense to me at all. But then I am first generation American and I would not have been born had my parents and grandparents not fled to America. Why? Because they would have been slaughtered. The Jewish genocide/Holocaust cost 6 million lives. They were gassed and shot to death and otherwise tortured and whatever else it took to exterminate them. The Armenians had DEATH MARCHES nd 1.5 MILLION of my people died. Forced to march until they dropped dead. My great grandparents and my Aunt Anne (who was 2 years old) stayed behind and were going to meet my parents and grandparents in Paris where they had fled before they left for America. My great grandparents and Aunt Anne never made it out. That is why I connect and relate to the Jewish people. We have similar histories though their tragedy was on a greater scale than mine. Nevertheless we have a bond forever. A very sad one. A very tragic one. My great grandparents and Aunt Anne died on one of those death marches. Many years later they were told that by someone who had witnessed it and survived. So you see Shuhak I take this very personally and always will. I 'm sure you can understand why since I just told you why. Thank you for your reply and Happy Friday!  :) This post was edited by RosieG at December 28, 2018 8:46 AM MST
      December 28, 2018 4:17 AM MST