Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Forget a New Year's Resolution. What do YOU WANT in 2019? Lots more of the same, totally different than 2018 or are you INDIFFERENT?

Forget a New Year's Resolution. What do YOU WANT in 2019? Lots more of the same, totally different than 2018 or are you INDIFFERENT?

Is whatever okay with you? Why?

Posted - December 29, 2018


  • 46117
    Indifference got us TRUMP.  Indifferent people are too lazy to ever think they have to do anything but sit on their couches and watch the TV or jump on the internet for instant answers.  Like the genius who is quoting WEB MD on here and thinks he is a doctor now.  

    Anyone who is still indifferent, doesn't need to vote ever.  I wish I could take all the indifferents and house THEM in cages for a few months.

      December 29, 2018 8:07 AM MST

  • 113301
    I think any American citizen WHO DOES NOT VOTE should pay a fine every time he/she refuses to do so. There are very few requirements for being a citizen. One of the most VITAL ESSENTIAL SIGNIFICANT duty obligations in my opinion is TO VOTE!  In all elections INCLUDING PRIMARIES because that's where who is going to run in the general election is determined. Now how much should that fine be?   Well it would escalate significantly each time. For a first-time SHIRKER it would be cheap. Say $500! EACH TIME THEREAFTER it would DOUBLE. There would no cap and  the shirker would be dragged into court to fight it because not paying it would result in being incarcerated and everyone who didn't vote and didn't pay would always be found GUILTY. Now folks will think no regular person can afford to pay that. PRECISELY THE POINT! The way to get out of it is TO VOTE!   If every American citizen REGISTERED TO VOTE AND ACTUALLY VOTED just think what a wondrous thing that would be? 100% of the American people actually PARTICIPATING in government instead of just complaining about it!! Boy! Sigh.  Thank you for your reply Sharon. Oh regarding Avenatti. Didja look him up? Disappointing isn't it?  :( This post was edited by RosieG at December 29, 2018 9:41 AM MST
      December 29, 2018 9:39 AM MST

  • 46117

    I believe the exact opposite.  What good are VOTES when someone has no brain to vote?  Just because they cast a vote? That does more harm than good.

    Who cares what Joe Numbnuts thinks when he is voting to save his sorry butt from  a fine?  And what if he cannot pay it,  Do we jail him?  
    He doesn't know one candidate from the next. 

    I think that we the people need to STUDY the issues and then vote.  How that will be accomplished?  You have a big test.  It is worth it.

    If you don't pass, you can't vote. I LOVE THE EDUCATED.  NOT THE REVERSE.

    If we can concoct Driver's License tests to save our lives on the road, we NEED to realize how much more serious this issue is.

    We need a Motor Vehicle Division and A I wish to earn a vote Division.  STUDY the issues and learn a few things about economics, world trade, what allies are good for and what the EARTH needs to stay viable.

    Those are the issues we need to embrace.  GO TO SCHOOL.  STUDY.  THEN VOTE.

    This post was edited by WM BARR . =ABSOLUTE TRASH at December 29, 2018 9:50 AM MST
      December 29, 2018 9:46 AM MST