My adopted daughter and my grandson - commonly referred to in the household as Search & Destroy - have been quiet now for 15 minutes.
Very quiet
Far, far too quiet for my liking
I will post a damage limitation report in due course
I find it strange you refer to her as your adopted daughter..............just saying
I fear the worst..
Most people do. That is why it is called "the worst".
That IS weird. Unless she is just introducing the fact that she has an adopted daughter to us. But I hope Selango doesn't address her that way as a rule of thumb.
Hey! Adopted Daughter, get over here and do those dishes, it's your turn.
Spoken like a true Suthun Smahtass. :)
1 I am a 'he', not a she
2 Oddly enough I call her by her name, Jessica\
3 I do not believe in giving kids chores to carry out, they are not slaves
4 Even if I did, washing dishes is not really the job for a four year old
5 Jessica is neither my daughter nor is she legally adopted, it just saves a long explanation, however here goes
Jessica was born in Malaysia with a Filipino mother and South American father
Her father was deported from Malaysia for working illegally
Her mother continued working also illegally. leaving Jessica, then aged under two years old on her own in a cheap hotel room all day
My wife insisted that she came to live with us foe her safety
Her mother was then also deported and seems to have lost interest in her
Despite being born in Malaysia, Jessica is not a Malaysian citizen
She is a staeless child who cannot use the state education or health systems
We cannot legally adopt her as we are not Malaysian citizens
After over two years I think of her as my sahall we say De Facto daughter
When my wife and I leave Malaysia in the near future we cannot take wih us as she has no travel document and in fact can be arrested for not having ID
Even if we could find a childrens home to place her, it would break my heart to abandon her
Yeah its a real mess
Fair point