Just make sure that base who will accept any crap he dishes out VOTES FOR HIM THRICE! That's right stable boy!. Find a way to let them vote for you 3 times. The third time's the charm right? Or three strikes and yer out! Whatever. Count the votes! If boy has 39% of the voters who will vote for him once they'd be delighted to vote for him a multiplicity of times. THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS. Probably even if they just voted for him twice not thrice he could bag it and nail it and bring it home. But why take a chance? If you're gonna commit voter fraud why not go all in and do it real big? Problem solved. Because otherwise his border wall obsession(which he continues to be flipfloppy about vis a vis the configuration) will be his undoing with THE MAJORITY OF AMERICAN VOTERS. But he is used to cheating to win so where's the harm doing it again?