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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The stable boy believes his rigidity on border wall is helping him politically! I agree. It will be. Wanna know how?

The stable boy believes his rigidity on border wall is helping him politically! I agree. It will be. Wanna know how?

Just make sure that base who will accept any crap he dishes out VOTES FOR HIM THRICE! That's right stable boy!. Find a way to let them vote for you 3 times. The third time's the charm right? Or three strikes and yer out! Whatever. Count the votes! If boy has 39% of the voters who will vote for him once they'd be delighted to vote for him a multiplicity of times. THE END JUSTIFIES THE MEANS. Probably even if they just voted for him twice not thrice he could bag it and nail it and bring it home. But why take a chance? If you're gonna commit voter fraud why not go all in and do it real big? Problem solved. Because otherwise his  border wall obsession(which he continues to be flipfloppy about vis a vis the configuration) will be his undoing with THE MAJORITY OF AMERICAN VOTERS. But he is used to cheating to win so where's the harm doing it again?

Posted - January 1, 2019


  • 46117
    I still do not think we have GRASPED and DEVELOPED the idea of how STUPID this man and his STUPID BASE is.

    No where near to how STUPID they all are.

    It's mystifying.

    There was an idiot who has a golf course that will be destroyed by the border wall.   He voted for Trump and doesn't know why.  He will lose his entire business and still will vote for Trump because he thinks he should vote for Trump.

    This is the moron mentality of the base.  Just vote for him because it seems like the thing to do to be popular in this day and age.

      January 1, 2019 8:04 AM MST

  • 113301
    Look at it this way Sharon. If not for the stable boy having been installed as prez by Russia in a fake election we would never have known what surrounds us in America. At least we KNOW what they are, whom they are, how many of them there are and what they get off on so we are very aware and cautious 24/7 because ya never know if one of "THEM" is walking next to you or sitting next to you. Forewarned is forearmed. We would have gone our entire lives believing that the  wackadoodle crackpot fringe was maybe 5% of the population. But it is OVER 1/3! I know. Scary as  he** but there ya have it. Small comfort but it is some comfort. Like those road rage folks who just pick up a gun and shoot someone DEAD who cuts them off inadvertently. These folks would just as soon pick up a gun(figuratively) and take us out any old which way they. An armada. A flotilla. A caravan. A mob. An infectious disease. SIGH. Thank you for your reply! :)(
      January 2, 2019 4:40 AM MST