Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Setting politics aside (you CAN do that can't you?) I do not want a repeat of the last few months of 2018 to happen again ever. WHY?

Setting politics aside (you CAN do that can't you?) I do not want a repeat of the last few months of 2018 to happen again ever. WHY?

Glad ya asked.

First of all we've had plumbing problems up the keester everywhere. Both bathrooms, kitchen sink and with the washing machine in the garage. When I washed clothes both sinks in the kitchen BACKED UP and would have overflowed but I started bailing water as soon as it started! Both toilets started leaeking. The area around the washing machine was leaking. Days later all that is resolved fixed fine. Divine. We rent so the landlord paid for it.

Next Jim had a sore tooth and needed a ROOT CANAL. Done. Crown is next and no needle will be used.

Last and best or worst our transmission went out and $3,960.56 later it's fixed! Had it towed to the Honda Dealer. The last transmission lived for 15 years. If this one lives that long I'll be 96 and Jim will be 98 and I expect we won't be driving then.

I know things could have been much worse. But still...well..just in case our engine dies this year what will THAT cost to rebuild?  2003 Honda Accord for you auto mechanics out there.

Posted - January 1, 2019


  • 46117

    It was a BLUE WAVE.  Remember?

    NEVER AGAIN.  We move slowly, but inexorably.

    We will always prevail.  This is AMERICA.  THIS IS NOT TRUMP's BASE of AMERICA.

    This is the UNITED STATES of brown, black, muslim and white America.  This is Christian, Muslim, Jewish, and ALL FAITHS.  This is embracing us for all our differences, not blocking progressive movements and halting any type of advancement in ideas such as ending the plight of global warming.

    This man has got to be stopped NOW.  

      January 1, 2019 8:23 AM MST

  • 113301
    You have more faith than I do Sharon. The reason why I don't have faith is that millions of Americ an people adore the stable boy and want more and more of him. There is no room for debate on that. Which is to say they are lost forever and so is America because  they believe in cheating and lying and sabotaging to get what they want and so they will continue to support enable facilitate cheating and lying and sabotaging and treason to install their preferred next savior who will be very clearly another stable boy. And they keep propagating and inculcating indoctrinating their progeny with the same exact belief system. Unless THEY are stopped there will forever be a sea of stable boys replacing one another forever. Thank you for your reply Sharon!  :)
      January 2, 2019 4:13 AM MST

  • 46117
    I know you are right to fear, Rosie, and I do not blame you.  We have a tightrope we are balancing upon.  I realize this.  But at least we have the rope now. Before we were in no man's land with nowhere to turn.  At least now we have the House.  We have a ton of women up for very important offices that will start TOMORROW.  HIP HIP HOORAY.

    Trump is going down.  I just hope it is soon.  You are right to fear.  Remember that this turkey got elected in the first place.  I can never forget that.  EVER.  So, if he can pull that one off, anything's possible where his luck is concerned.

    When I think of what we have been put through, I wonder if God is a boogey man.  I mean what the heck could we have done to deserve this menace?   He is a living apocalypse.  ALL Seven Plagues rolled into one evil demon.

      January 2, 2019 9:46 PM MST

  • 17036
    No. The health scares in the family and the breakdown of my son's relationship with his partner I don't want to go through again. She's pregnant with their third child in three years.
      January 1, 2019 8:29 AM MST

  • 113301
    Oh my goodness Sbf. That is way worse than THINGS breaking down. I don't know what to say other than I hope this year treats you and yours MUCH BETTER than last year did! 3 kids in 3 years? Not the best thing in the world. Timing may not be everything but it's a big lot of something. Thank you for your reply Sbf and Happy New Year Tuesday 2019 where I am. I KNOW where you are your New Year began yesterday morning at 5am Monday Hemet, California time! And you are talking to me from your  Wednesday I expect aren't you? It was announced on TV as your celebrations started happening. When I talk to you it is always to my future and from your past. Talk about a scifi thingy that would be it!
      January 1, 2019 8:49 AM MST

  • 17036
    Yes, early Wednesday morning. Can't sleep so I'm on the Mug. New Zealand gets it before we do, it's right on the date line two hours ahead.
    I'm worried for my grandchildren, she won't cope with three under three on her own. I know she's hormonal but throwing Tim out will not help anything. It's her latex allergy and carelessness with the Pill that's as much to blame as his libido.
      January 1, 2019 8:56 AM MST

  • 113301
    I'm so sorry but I hope things will eventually turn out well. Has she done that before? Tossed him out? Is it a religious thing that they didn't use "protection"? None of my business I know but well it was so preventable if only. IF ONLY they used their heads and could foresee the results of their actions. IF ONLY she simmers down and they can get back together again and be grownups. IF ONLY. Fingers crossed R. Here's hoping. Thank you for your reply!   :)
      January 2, 2019 4:19 AM MST

  • 17036
    She's allergic to latex, so condoms aren't an option. She's also careless with the Pill, doesn't take it at the same time each day. It doesn't work if you don't do it properly.
      January 2, 2019 4:59 AM MST

  • 10783
    Sounds like you may have had a clogged sewage line.  
    Don't say that 6-letter "n"-word.  Worst part of a dentist trip (or any other medical trip).  I call the folks at the local blood drawing place "vampires" ... they are not amused (can you tell that I have a slight fear of you-know-whats?)
    They say that when bad things happen they happen in threes.  So you're probably ok for a little while.

    When it comes to cars, make sure that the repair costs don't exceed the value of the car (single repair or accumulative).  It may be cheaper (in the long run) to go to a place like CarMax and get another one.
      January 1, 2019 10:39 AM MST

  • 113301
    That is a very comforting thought Shuhak. I know people die in threes...at least it seems true of celebrities. I didn't know bad luck comes in threes as well. Here's hoping. I have no idea what the blue book value of a 2003 Honda Accord is but here's the backstory. We needed a car. Ours had been badly damaged. It was the year I had chemo and a cancer operation. My son who lived in Honolulu then and his best friend who was on Answerbag and is known as Old School conspired to get us one since we were using a borrowed car to get me to and from cancer-related appointments and just couldn't fit in the time to go car shopping. So one day in June 2008 when my son was going to visit us he drove up in the silver 2003 Honda Accord. He and Old School chipped in because our finances were kinda tight. The car was $12,000 then. My son paid $6K, Old School paid $3K and Jim and I paid the other $3K. So tons of sentiment and emotion are tied up in that car. Jim says I am WAY sentimental and I guess that's true. I just can't bear the thought of trading in that car and getting something newer and "betterer" when there never could be anything "better" than that car for me. Thank you for your thoughtful reply m'dear! About the "N" word I had a really awful painful experience with one centuries ago. Ever have a needle jabbing the roof of your mouth to deaden the nerves? My gosh it felt like it was going up and through my nose and head and it was excruciating as I recall. Once was quite enough. Otherwise the "N" has been painful for sure but no "N" at all filled with painkiller would probably kill me! I mean I can't even imagine how I would survive the dentist's drill hitting a nerve. So we manage to do what we gotta do so we don't gotta do what's even worse!  :) This post was edited by RosieG at January 2, 2019 9:37 AM MST
      January 2, 2019 4:29 AM MST

  • 10783
    Yes, I've had the roof of my mouth jabbed a few  times.  I've also had a dentist who deaden one side of my mouth and then proceed to drill on the other side.

      January 2, 2019 9:45 AM MST

  • 7280
    A dyslexic dentist?

    I had one about 40 years ago do 2 crown preps on the second molars in my lower jaw.  When he cemented the crowns on, it turns out he rotated one 180 degrees---the buccal side was toward the lingual.

    I called him after I got home.  The receptionist thought it was funny.  I was told to come back and he would check the placement.  Everybody at the office was hiding their amusement until I opened my mouth and he looked.

    Fortunately it came off quite easily.
      January 2, 2019 7:26 PM MST

  • 10783
    No, he was drunk.
      January 2, 2019 9:30 PM MST