Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Are Americans prone to adore blood&guts games more than other countries? Do we love blood/broken bones/concussions? Do we lack refinement?

Are Americans prone to adore blood&guts games more than other countries? Do we love blood/broken bones/concussions? Do we lack refinement?

Does nuance escape us and complexity bewilder us? Are we a really SIMPLE people?

Posted - January 2, 2019


  • 17036
    There's an element of the gladiator in all of us. Particularly in the various football codes - the only excuse for rugby, American football and especially Australian football is that it gets the participants off the streets for a couple hours. Mayhem. And the punters love it, even me (I follow the Adelaide Crows).
    What sets Americans apart is their insistence on a RESULT. Honorable draws are not countenanced, if scores are deadlocked they keep going until they aren't. There has to be a winner and a loser. That and a national lack of patience, but they're not alone in that either. 
      January 2, 2019 6:25 AM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your thoughtful reply R. I dunno. I just see folks in the audience yelling and shouting and sometimes drinking alcohol getting boozed up and upset and sometimes start to brawl! I mean what the he** is THAT all about?  Yes we are a young country compared to others. But for goodness sakes we are old enough to mind our manners and pay attention and be civil. Good sportsmanship is no longer even spoken about mostly. Sure the tennis players ALWAYS shake hands but sometimes they made fools of themselves on the courts because of "bad" calls during the match. Remember way back when and Johnny Mac "you've got to be kidding"? And Serena has been shameful a couple of times in my opinion. The antithesis of a good sport. I don't know what I expect or should. It just seems like the worst in us comes out in crowds.
      January 2, 2019 6:33 AM MST

  • 17036
    I get boozed up watching it on TV. Brawling isn't my style but I do swear the air blue at the umpires. Football and beer go together.
      January 3, 2019 3:09 AM MST

  • 113301
    I do a lot of swearing at the TV too like you. Only I swear at politicians. I hafta mute stable boy these days. I am so sick and tired of listening to him I think I will barf/puke/upchuck if I don't MUTE. In fact at my best Jim encourages me to keep going by saying to me "you tell 'em honey". There are a few very bad words I never say but I think them! SIGH. Anyway we celebrate Happy Partial Sanity Day today in the good old US of A m'dear  R. Today, January 3, 2019 the DEMOCRATS take back the majority in the House where oversight allegedly SHOULD live 2 4/7.  Except it has been notoriously absent since the stable boy took over and turned the House into fraidy cat toady sycophantland! That changes today in a very bigly way! HOORAY! :)
      January 3, 2019 4:53 AM MST