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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » If stable boy isn't impeached/removed from office would you REALLY VOTE FOR him AGAIN if the gubment were still shut down? Why?

If stable boy isn't impeached/removed from office would you REALLY VOTE FOR him AGAIN if the gubment were still shut down? Why?

He said the shubdown could take months or YEARS. If he isn't a g-d liar then he means it right? So with a shudown gubment of over two years would he still be your guy? WHY ?

Posted - January 5, 2019


  • 113301
    Of course I don't know what will happen m2c. But your pronouncement that "would never get that many votes" is a bit presumptuous of you in my opinion. You can't possibly KNOW that for sure. You don't know what evidence proof information Mueller will present. You opine based on your political views but isn't it really hoping and wishful thinking that prompts you to say that? Unless you can read the future and see what lies ahead because you are gifted with that kind of ability? Are you? Thank you for your reply m2c. I don't think you lie. I think you really believe everything you say. More's the pity. :(
      January 7, 2019 2:55 AM MST