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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction".Only in physics. What if it were true for EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE 24/7?

"For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction".Only in physics. What if it were true for EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE 24/7?

How do you equal and opposite an insult, a war, a betrayal, callous uncaring, murder? It would be splendid if dictator despots' and their wannabe robotic copycats' actions always had equal and opposite reactions. I doubt any of them would have lasted very long in life. Poetic justice delivered on-the-spot 24/7 for everyone? There'd be no place to hide. Lies/truth would be irrelevant. The instant equal and opposite would always prevail because no one would be in control of it to skew it or manipulate it or mangle it or hide it or blame others for it. That would be sumpin' alright. The perp would always immediately receive his/her just and deserved due. A dangerous world for those who do evil because evil done them would be equal and opposite and inescapable and immediate. Would you like such a world?

Posted - January 7, 2019
