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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The hapless stable boy does not have title to the land on which he plans to build his wall fence slat curtain. How long before he does?

The hapless stable boy does not have title to the land on which he plans to build his wall fence slat curtain. How long before he does?

 How long with fights be in the court against EMINENT DOMAIN and stealing the land? D'ya really think the owners are gonna roll over and take whatever the administration deems are fair market value when stable boy is a well=known CHEAPSKATE and he will decide what value to place on that land. Then it will go to the Supremes. It could take YEARS before the land is adjudicated by which time the stable boy be living in Russia or incarcerated in an American prison . He does cart-before-the-horse soi very well don't he?

He carted-before-the-horse on his dramatic announcement that he was gonna pull our troops outta Syria. He did that UNILATERALLY which is why Mattis quit. Now John Bolton is try his best to fix the stable boy keeps breaking. Now he sez he never said he was gonna pull the troops out right away. Bolton is attaching some requisites. Isn't Bolton going around stable boy and and trying walk back what llittle stable boy said?

Posted - January 7, 2019
