Of course once gain with egg on his face the stable boy contradicted what he had said to make it look like he was being misquoted. There is audio and video with him saying how soon he plans to pull out our troops from Syria and that WE WON. Well stable boy you're dead wrong. You lost Mattis because of it. You alienated many in your party because of it. There is anger among the ranks and FEAR because you are so erratic and usntable and ignorant and emotional. You said we won. Bolton says we will not leave Syria until ISIS is completely out of there which means we did not win anything. YET. It may take YEARS to accomplish. So I wonder what is the next foolish thing stable will do that Bolton or someone will have to explain, restate, reshape, reform? How many messes can one old man get into? I guess we're gonna find out. SIGH.