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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » VASS ISS DISS? Allegedly Shep Smith of FOX NEWS immediately fact-checked ultimatum boy after his speech and smacked him down!WHAT?

VASS ISS DISS? Allegedly Shep Smith of FOX NEWS immediately fact-checked ultimatum boy after his speech and smacked him down!WHAT?

You mean FOX NEWS has joined the reality-based media? You mean FOX NEWS is now on the side of FACTS TRUTH? You mean FOX NEWS is no longer controlled by Sean Hannity or Ann Coulter or Judge Jeannie or all the other extreme right-wing fact haters? Seriously folks did THAT REALLY HAPPEN? I do not know. I avoided ultimatum boy altogether. So that is via second-hand news. But I mean if Fox has abandoned ultimatum boy to dwell once again in the land of TRUTH where will ultimatum boy go to spread his lies? Is it the end of him being interviewed EXCLUSIVELY by FOX NEWS toady sycophants? Is SHEP SMITH now the big cheese and the others are little small rats nibbling away at him? OR will Fox still keep the hannity and all the standard typical scripted programmed propaganda et al who promulgate the ultimatum boy lies to quiet y'all and give you the same old place you can go to get your daily fix of ultimatum boy version of da truth? I dunno but it's a definite  WHOA!

Posted - January 9, 2019


  • 19937
    Shep Smith and Chris Wallace are two pro-Dem FOX News reporters.  I'm surprised they've kept their jobs this long.  I'll believe FOX has turned over a new leaf when Hannity and Coulter are condemning Trump for his lies.  Happy Wednesday. :)
      January 9, 2019 10:54 AM MST

  • 113301
    That is hugely strange odd bizarre wackadoodly to me L. I thought FAUX NEWS was the safe haven for ultimatum boy. I wonder what the heck is going on that there are TWO truthspeakers on Faux News still with jobs! Go figger! Sheesh! Thank you for your reply. Truth is indeed stranger than fiction. The fiction was that FAUX NEWS was all lies all the time. Wow! It's gonna take me a "certain amount of time" to absorb that! "_
      January 10, 2019 3:13 AM MST

  • 17036
    The writing is on the wall. Murdoch dislikes failure. His Royal Orangeness is on the skids.
      January 10, 2019 3:16 AM MST