Discussion » Questions » Politics » Nigel Farage. British. Right-winger. Putin apologist. Trump sympathizer. What's he doing in "our" politics?

Nigel Farage. British. Right-winger. Putin apologist. Trump sympathizer. What's he doing in "our" politics?

Even his party calls him that. Nigel is a Brexit politician. Apparently Trump feels connected to this group of right-wingers because they have a lot in common. I thought Trump liked Boris Johnson more. I wonder why he didn't invite him. There are murals of both of them kissing everywhere in the art scene in the US and Britain.

Anyway, the Republicans seem to think it's a good idea to bring in foreigners into American politics. I thought that might confuse the Trump base, as they are confused already. I'm confused as well. I was confused with Brexit!

Maybe you can give me a clue about how Trump's brain works. My thoughts are "What the he** are you thinking!" (It merits an exclamation mark, for hyperbole.)

Posted - August 25, 2016


  • 739
    I am a Brit who voted to remain. I just want to point out that Farage and UKIP were not regarded as part of the official Brexit campaign, despite the impression Farage and Trump were giving.
      August 26, 2016 9:00 AM MDT