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What happens when a very weak guy engages in a grudge match with a VERY STRONG WOMAN? Ever happen before?

In this corner weighing 300 lbs is the pathetic puny petulant Putin puppet
In the other corner weighing 100 lbs soaking wet is the House Majority Speaker...2nd in line to be PRESIDENT

Who is apt to hit below the belt?
Who is apt to cry when hit and taken down and ball up in a fetal position?
Who is apt to cry FAKE NEWS HOAX NO COLLUSION as he bleeds from every hole in his body?
Who is apt to yell "Lock her up" like a broken record repeating repeating repeating repeating?
Who is apt to tell ya "MEXICO WILL PAY FOR THE WALL"?
Who is apt to tell you "ISIS IS DEFEATED"?

Take as long as you need to figure it out. Unlimited guesses. We have all the time in the world. Remember the gubment is shut down. Closed. No one's there to care.

Posted - January 18, 2019


  • 34982
    President Trump shut her down.....Pelosi needs to get in line or it is not gonna go well for her.

    Who is apt to hit below the belt? Pelosi disinviting the Pres for the SOTU.

    Who is apt to cry when hit and taken down and ball up in a fetal position? I don't think it will get physical. But Pelosi will not be happy when she loses her Speakership. 

    Who is apt to cry FAKE NEWS HOAX NO COLLUSION as he bleeds from every hole in his body? Again will not get physical. Pelosi will holler that when it all comes out. Calling the caravans imaginary. 

    Who is apt to tell you to NOT BELIEVE WHAT YOU SEE OR HEAR BECAUSE IT ISN'T HAPPENING? Like the media telling us there are no caravans coming and there is no crisis at the border. 

    Who is apt to yell "Lock her up" like a broken record repeating repeating repeating repeating? What have the Dems been hollering about for years? Lock him up...impeach 45....etc. 

    Who is apt to tell ya "MEXICO WILL PAY FOR THE WALL"? Does not matter who pays as long as it is built. $25B is a deal compared to the cost of illegal immigration a year. The money reclaimed from the new trade deal will more than pay for the wall.

    Who is apt to tell you "ISIS IS DEFEATED"? Isis lost 98% of there territory. 

    This post was edited by my2cents at January 18, 2019 6:41 AM MST
      January 18, 2019 6:23 AM MST

  • 19937
    Pelosi should get in line?  She is the head of one of the branches of government.  Trump is not a dictator or the King.  He can't just wave his scepter and have everyone jump to do his bidding - especially when it's illegal.

    Pelosi didn't disinvite him to give his SOTU - she asked him to postpone it until the government is back i working order.  

    I don't know what media outlets you follow, but EVERY one of them reported on, and continues to report on, the caravan at the border and has reported that there is another one coming up from Honduras.  The crisis at the border is separating children from their parents, holding thousands of them in cages and the government not even being able to tell you the number of children being held and where.  

    Clinton was the subject of seven or more investigations by a GOP-controlled Congress and they came up with nothing for them to lock her up.  Do you not think that in all those investigations, with all the animosity the GOP has for her, that if there was something concrete on which they could have hung their hats they wouldn't have gone for it?

    Trump campaigned on the rhetoric that Mexico will pay for the wall.  If people voted for him based on the assumption that he meant Mexico would cut us a check, they were hoodwinked.  Now, after two years, his changes his story to say he never meant Mexico would actually pay us to build the wall, but that NAFTA 2.0 would yield the money for us to do it.  He couldn't have known when he was campaigning that (a) he would be elected and (b) if he was elected, that he would re-negotiate NAFTA.  And, by the way, the new NAFTA is pretty much the same as the old one - there won't be any huge monetary advantages to us from it.  And any advantages from the trade war tariffs will go to the corporate entities involved and not the government.  You are also not taking into consideration the physical limitations of where a wall can be built (over the Rio Grande), the private ownership of lands on which the wall would be built (lawsuits will keep the wall in limbo for years if eminent domain is invoked) and the cost of buying the private land, all of which will make $25bn a pittance when compared to the actual cost.

    ISIS has not been defeated.  As soon as our troops are gone, you will see a resurgence of ISIS again.  Let the lessons learned in Iraq and Afghanistan guide you there.
      January 18, 2019 2:45 PM MST

  • 34982
    She can get in line or she can plan to lose her gavel come 2020. If not before. 
    Actually, she has not officially invited him by not completely filling the paperwork or the bill that must be passed by both chambers of Congress. So by asking him to postpone or turn it in writing, she has effectively disinvited him. 
    I have been ill for a bit so I may have missed coverage on other channels of the caravans. I know before they did deny it. But I will take your word for it if the other news networks are covering it. 

    Yes, President Trump campaigned on Lock Her Up. I don't care much about that as long as the laws are applied equally. But let us not deny that the Dems also campaigned on Lock HIM Up. 

    I support the wall/fence/barrier/whatever. Every Trump supporter Iknow supports it. And NO one cares who pays for it. NO ONE. I want the border secure and that means a wall and people and tech. All of it. 

    What do you call an Islamic State defeat? Do we stay forever? If we stay until the last suicide bomber is dead? That will never happen. We can come home and if need we are able to stomp their butts again. 
      January 18, 2019 4:53 PM MST

  • 19937
    I'm sorry you have been ill.  Hope you're feeling better.  

    I'm sorry, but I don't recall Clinton saying lock him up at every rally she held.  Maybe I'm just not watching the right news channels.  

    Every wall prototype Trump had built was scalable and the steel ones were shown to be vulnerable to hacksaws that could be purchased at Home Depot.  To spend billions of dollars on something that is breachable would be folly.  Areas were there are walls or fences have been dug under and there are a number of tunnels which render a wall useless.  You can't build a wall over the Rio Grande River.  So, when you add those things to the fact that maybe private land owners don't want a wall on their property or that it would cost millions of dollars to buy that land, it doesn't seem that a wall is as useful as you think.  

    The Dems want the border to be secure, but they want to use technology that will be more cost effective than a wall at such an enormous cost.  

    Personally, I don't believe you can defeat a religious ideology through warfare.  I never felt it was a good idea for us to be in Iraq or Afghanistan in the first place.  You can be sure that ISIS will reconstitute itself even if there is only 2% left.  I would make book on it.
      January 18, 2019 10:51 PM MST

  • 34982
    Thank you. I am getting better daily. 

    I did not say Clinton campaigned on Lock him up. I said the Dems in this midterm elections campaigned on Lock Him Up and Impeach Him. 

    It is the Dems who said they wanted a steel barrier. President Trump said fine that will be good. Also, there are tools at Home Depot that can cut through concrete as well. Trump also is/has not been saying only a wall/fence/barrier but also more manpower, technology, and whatever else the BP says they need. But the BP says they need a pedestrian barrier. 

    So do we stay in the middle east forever? 
      January 19, 2019 5:10 AM MST

  • 19937
    Glad to hear you're feeling better.  

    Maybe we read different news sources because I don't recall the Dems screeching "Lock him up" at their campaign rallies the same way Trump did.  As far as impeachment, I think as facts come out, there may well be a solid basis for impeachment if the Mueller investigation finds evidence sufficient for an indictment.  

    I'm sure that there are BP agents who will tell you that a barrier is not the answer - or at least is not nearly as effective as other technologies and additional manpower would be.  Needles to say, Trump is only hearing the ones who are in favor of a wall.  
      January 19, 2019 8:03 AM MST

  • 34982
    I seen them chant it. And Impeach45. Not at every rally but enough to say they were campaigning on it. Pelosi to her credit kept telling them to be quiet. 
    We will just have to wait to see what Mueller has but from arrests made so far Trump is in no threat. 

    Trump has said we need more people, tech and the wall (where needed roughly about 1000 to 1100 miles of the 2000 miles border) The media does not report it correctly. I can find the quotes again if you like. 

      January 19, 2019 9:04 AM MST

  • 19937
    Well, unlike Pelosi, Trump didn't ask his people at rallies to be quiet and often said those very words himself which prompted the rallyers to continue.  

    Yes, we will have to wait and see.  I'm not sure whether Cohen and/or Manafort are finished being interviewed, so a lot more information could be forthcoming, some of which could easily implicate Trump, Sr.  I'm willing to wait and see.

    You do realize that you cannot build a wall across the Rio Grande.  He can say whatever he likes, but there are places where building a wall will not be feasible.  
      January 19, 2019 9:45 AM MST

  • 34982
    You realize that I just said we don't need a 2000 mile wall and that President Trump also has said the same thing. But there are places we do need a pedestrian fence. How evil it to only but a vehicle barrier in the desert because the people should be too afraid to try and cross because it is so dangerous?  There are people saved every day by the BP in that desert and sadly some don't make it. It is wrong to purposely endanger people like that. 
    We need tech such an as sonar to detect the tunnels that the smugglers and human trafficking use. To find them and fill them with concrete.
      January 19, 2019 10:08 AM MST

  • 19937
    Let me explain something to you.  Those people who try to illegally cross the border and die doing so have placed themselves in that position.  It is not something that the US has forced them to do.  Not having a wall is not what's endangering these people - it is the people endangering themselves and the coyotes who take their money and leave them in the desert.  All of a sudden Trump wants a wall so people trying to get here illegally don't kill themselves?  Who are you kidding?  
      January 19, 2019 11:52 AM MST

  • 113301
      January 19, 2019 5:14 AM MST

  • 113301
      January 19, 2019 4:59 AM MST