Discussion » Questions » Health and Wellness » What is a body part or a place on your body that has NEVER itched?

What is a body part or a place on your body that has NEVER itched?

  (Okay, okay, okay; that ususually NEVER itches.  Sheesh, what a stickler.  Grrrrr.)


Posted - January 18, 2019


  • My liver has never itched.
      January 18, 2019 7:29 AM MST

  • You have to be in the right state of mind to compete with Cosmic. :P
      January 18, 2019 8:19 AM MST

  • my foreskin 

    because im circumcised 
      January 18, 2019 8:43 AM MST

  • ah, a botched job, eh? xD
      January 18, 2019 1:07 PM MST

  • they let me keep it tho 

    i wear it in a locket on my neck 
      January 18, 2019 1:13 PM MST

  • Better than stem cells any day. :P
      January 18, 2019 1:17 PM MST

  • 1893
    Your foreskin?  You are female and you were not born with a foreskin.  Now female circumcision does remove the Labia and & Clit among other pieces of anatomy.  Seriously you were raised in an East African Family?

    I tend to doubt the veracity of your statement
      January 19, 2019 1:10 PM MST

  • 19938
    My tongue.
      January 18, 2019 9:59 AM MST

  • 44518
    My fingernails.
    What's with the  (e)?
      January 18, 2019 1:07 PM MST

  • 53328

      Doh!  Edited!


      January 18, 2019 10:32 PM MST

  • Now that I think of it, I can't remember the last time I had a shoulder itch. Elbow, yes, but not shoulder. 
      January 18, 2019 4:05 PM MST

  • 44518
    You know they are going to start itching now.
      January 19, 2019 8:00 AM MST