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if possible, would you like to work alone ?

me yes.... several years ago, i had the best job ever... i was doing cleaning in schools. i was all alone and doing the chores of cleaning a school and all that. Until i got fired for missing days without telling them...

nowadays i got a new job but i miss the old job. the new job is much harder because i work with other peoples in a building, and you're not alone...

i find it hard to work with people around , i always preferred to work alone. now working there , i realised it became hard for me to go there , just because i have to deal with other coworkers.

and you ?

Posted - January 19, 2019


  • Sometimes I do .. but mostly, I think I enjoy working as part of a team.  That can be good or bad though ... depending on how much everyone contributes to the effort.  :)
      January 19, 2019 11:47 AM MST

  • 19937
    So you want to work alone so you can screw your employer by not coming to work and getting paid as though you did?  How unethical of you.
      January 19, 2019 11:53 AM MST

  • 10798
    Yes!!!   Every employer I've had found out (eventually) that I do my best work when alone (even if that's at midnight).  Just tell me what you want and then leave me alone!  No help, no coworkers, no nagging ... just by myself - alone!  
      January 19, 2019 12:26 PM MST

  • 5808
    I used to have six people working for me,
    doing construction,
    just too many headaches...haha
    Now I just take jobs that one person 
    can handle. I don't make as much $
    but it is just so much easier
    and less stressful.
      January 20, 2019 9:33 AM MST