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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » VERRRRRY INTERESTING. Apparently BUZZFEED stands by its story that the Putin puppet ordered Cohen to lie. Did MUELLER LIE?

VERRRRRY INTERESTING. Apparently BUZZFEED stands by its story that the Putin puppet ordered Cohen to lie. Did MUELLER LIE?

If what Buzzfeed wrote was true why would Mueller lie about it? If it weren't true why would Buzzfeed stand by it? Once again we are confronted with two sides saying different things and so whom do YOU believe? Mueller of course right because he never would go out of his way to lie. But then one wonders who would have given such lies to Buzzfeed? It's complicated. and really a pain the a**. I guess it's best to just believe no one about anything. Assume they are ALL LIARS and move on. Pay no attention to any of them. They all have agendas. Bah HUMBUG! WRATS!  Dagnabbit! :(

Posted - January 20, 2019


  • 34982
    Mueller would not lie....he has nothing to gain from it. 

    Buzzfeed has a history of publishing unsubstantiated stories. What do they gain? People going to their site. Money. People are so desperate to get anything they can on President Trump for impeachment they will believe anything.
      January 20, 2019 6:00 AM MST