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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » The brave tell the truth. Cowards LIE and DENY and OBFUSCATE and DENIGRATE. The TRUTH is simple. LIES aren't. Right?

The brave tell the truth. Cowards LIE and DENY and OBFUSCATE and DENIGRATE. The TRUTH is simple. LIES aren't. Right?

Posted - January 23, 2019


  • 10780
    Lies are complicated as one has to fabricat more lies to keep the first lie from being discovered.
    Truth isn't complicated, but it may put a person in an uncomfortable position (the truth hurts).

    We hate being told lies.  When we discover that we've been lied to we become angry.  Yet we lie every day - to others and to ourselves.  Classification of a lie (eg. white lie) does not change the fact that it is a lie.  Lies do nothing but attempts to hide a truth.  The worst thing about lies is that eventually they will be discovered - and usually at a most "inconvenient" time.
    Each time one lies, they tarnish their reputation.  Soom, others can no longer trust them.  Yet instead of "coming clean", many will tell more lies in a vain effort to avoid humiliation.  Eventually they are reduced to being a incessant liar.  Naive people may still believe them, but most can see right through their facade.
      January 23, 2019 1:17 PM MST

  • 113301
    Thank you for your thoughtful answer Shuhak and Happy Thursday! White lies are kind. They are told to save others from unnecessary hurt or pain. Black lies are cruel mean evil and are told to cover one's a** for having done something very bad very wrong very self-serving very venal. My opinion only of course. :)
      January 24, 2019 2:08 AM MST

  • 10780
    True.  However, a lie is still a lie.  Even when were told a white lie, sometimes it angers us (if/when) we find out.  Even if it was meant for our "benefit", it still angers us (sometimes) that someone (usually someone close to us) would lie to us.
      January 24, 2019 10:08 AM MST

  • 113301
    Exclude me from your "us" m'dear. I think being KIND always trumps everything including the unvarnished truth. I always have. I always will. Sometimes telling someone the "truth" is not done for the best intentions. If you know in advance it is going to hurt someone why would you not want to soften it however best you can or not tell it at all? A kind white lie is always better than a cold cruel absolute truth. I speak only for me. There are some truths I know I wish I didn't. You cannot unknow what you know. The damage is already done. It cannot be taken  back or undone or forgotten. Thank you for your reply Shuhak.
      January 25, 2019 5:50 AM MST